5 Things to do in Case of a Car Accident

Things to do in case of a car accident - 49949939

Did you know that there were more than 6.7 million motor vehicle crashes in 2018? According to data provided by U.S. Department of Transportation, the crashes also lead to almost 1.9 million injuries. Car accidents are unfortunate events and occur quite frequently. And in case you are involved in one such event, you would fare a lot better if you know what to do in case of an accident.

Here are some essential things to keep in mind, in case you are in one.

1. Stop!

The first thing you must do in case you are involved in a car accident is to pull over.However minor the accident may seem, even if you feel there is no damage, you are legally obligated to stop and not leave the scene, say attorneys at Law Offices of Alexander M. Gurevich PC, renowned Houston car accident lawyer firm.

2. Check for Injuries

After you have moved the vehicle out of the way of traffic, you need to determine the extent of injuries and damage. In case anyone involved in the crash is hurt, feels lightheaded, or is bleeding, you must call for medical assistance. Unless you are medically trained, avoid moving any injured person or performing first aid until help arrives.

3. Contact the Police

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In case anyone has been injured in the crash, or if you are worried about the damages, then you must call the police immediately. Even if there is not a lot of damage and you have exchanged insurance information, it is not a bad idea to give law enforcement a call. You might get a small ticket, but there would be an official record of the accident scene.

4. Limit What You Say

If you ask any car accident attorney in Houston or anywhere else, about the most important thing to do after an accident; they would tell you to not talk much to anyone except the law enforcement. Most importantly, do not admit any fault or liability to the other party, their lawyers, or the insurance company. Politely refuse any questions asked by anyone from the other party involved in the crash.

5. Document What Happened

A car accident can be a traumatic event. In such situation taking note of what happened can be difficult. But, it is also one of the most important things to do. Some of the things that you should try to get are:

  • The date, time, and the exact location of the accident. In case you have any recollection of your handling of the vehicle prior to the crash, note it down as well.
  • The name, address, and phone numbers of all the parties involved in the crash. Also get information about the insurance carrier, driver’s license and vehicle number.
  • Get name and contact information of any witnesses that might be present.
  • Also take pictures of the accident scene. You should get pictures of the damaged vehicles, road conditions, and traffic signs.

Apart from these, whether you are in New York or Houston, contacting lawyers for auto accidents can be really helpful as well. They can help you get the settlement you deserve in case of any losses or injuries sustained in the event.

Interesting related article: “Bad weather car crash claims.”

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