Top 5 reasons people quit their job

Employees quit their jobs for a number of reasons. Perhaps they have to move across the country to be with their partner, or have decided to focus on their education. However, some of the main reasons people quit are more directly related to how an employee perceives their job, responsibilities or the corporate culture where they work.

This is a list of some of the main reasons employees quit their job.

1. They feel that their position on issues aren’t heard

When it gets to a point that an employee no longer feels like their voice has any say in the company it’s a slippery slope to them being less attached to the job they have. It’s crucial that employees have their ideas and thoughts heard. If an employee can’t propose ideas because the business has no interest in hearing them, chances are they will try and find a better fit working somewhere else where their ideas and proposals will have more of an impact.

2. Exhaustion

Jobs can be stressful and mentally exhausting. An employee who is overworking or simply has too much on their plate may eventually feel exhausted of their job and decide to quit. If it gets to a point where an employee feels like they can no longer cope or deal with the workload in a certain position, they may very well begin looking for less demanding jobs elsewhere.

The term ‘occupational stress’ refers to stress that employees experience in the workplace. We also have the term ‘work stress’ or ‘work-related stress.’

3. They are underpaid

Employees may quit or try and find a position at another company if their current employer is paying them less than the market average. A survey by Glassdoor, the workplace review website, questioned 750 hiring decision-makers in the US and the UK and found that almost half (45 percent) said that salary is the biggest reason that employees change jobs.

4. No faith in the leaders

Employees may be disgruntled and want to leave their job because of a lack of faith in the management of the company. If an employee doesn’t believe that executives are taking the company in the right direction, they could make the decision to switch to different company which is run more effectively.

4. They want to work for themselves

It’s become a lot easier for people to work on their own by freelancing. This gives people more control over their hours and flexibility. Since the recession of 2008 the number of self-employed freelancers has soared and it’s expected to become an even more popular option for professionals.

5. Tired of office politics

Employees may feel like office politics has made the workplace a toxic environment for them to be in. When employees are miserable doing their job because they don’t want to resort to backstabbing other workers or feel like they have been the victim they could resort to quitting.