Top 7 Website Design Tips for Small Business

So you’ve got your business idea, you’re exploring some website ideas – but not sure where to go next.

With tens of thousands of competitor websites out there, you want to be sure yours will stand out. Having a distinctive online presence is essential for success. It will help create a positive image for your business in the marketplace, draw readers in, and drive sales.

The value of effective website design can’t be overstated. Increasing numbers of people are shopping, working, and communicating online. That means that being able to offer your digital users a positive experience is key to your website’s success.

Granted, there are particular web design features that are “evergreen” priorities, meaning they’ll always be top of the list in terms of web design features. These include quick loading, easy navigation, data security, etc and experienced web design agencies from the Ramotion blog handle this very well.

But maybe you’re new to the website game – or you’re looking to revamp an earlier effort that didn’t prove as successful as you’d hoped

With close to 2 billion websites now available, you want to keep your site at the top of search engine rankings – and that requires putting time and thought into your website design. After all – your website will be the first point of contact between your business and your potential customers.

So, read on for seven top website design tips.

  1. Check Out Your Options

That means reviewing website templates to get an idea of what’s possible and appropriate for your business. Check out online tools to find templates, like Wix website templates for example. They’ll give you loads of ideas, which you can even download for free for a test drive.

  1. Choose a Domain Name that’s Memorable and Unique

Remember:  Your domain name is your business calling card to the world. So – when purchasing a domain name, be sure that it’s short, descriptive, distinctive, and easy to remember.

Aim for the .com iteration of the name you want. If that version is already taken, rethink your choice and consider another one. The “.com” version of a domain name gives your website credibility.

  1. Make It Clean and Simple

Your website should be clean, clear, and simply designed. A complicated design that tries to convey too much information can be overwhelming for visitors. A clean design denotes professionalism.

Don’t overwhelm users with too many choices. That means:

  • Reducing the number of items on your menu
  • Minimize form fields
  • Zero in on a single call to action
  • Display only social network buttons for platforms you’re active on
  • Adhere to the one page/one goal rule

All this will make for a better user experience – and keep users on your site.

  1. Speed is of the Essence

In the world of website design, loading speed is top of the list.

Studies show that speed affects everything from the satisfaction of users to conversion rates to revenue. So, it’s key.

If your site is slow-moving, users won’t stay on it. It’s that simple. Surveys show that users expect a site to load in 2 seconds max. If it takes longer, they’re gone – probably for good.

And once again – you should care about loading speed, because Google (and other search engines) care. They factor it into your ranking, so ensure that your loading speed encourages users to stay with you.

  1. Prioritize Accessibility

Accessibility is as important online as it is in a brick-and-mortar workplace. Whether you’re designing the website yourself, or having it done professionally, ensure that your website is accessible for those with disabilities or limited vision.

This can often be done by just adding a few lines of code to your page.

A website that’s accessible and presents clear content is not only of benefit for disabled users – it also matters to Google and other search engines. It’s one of the factors they consider when ranking websites.

  1. Make It Responsive

Google thinks your website should be responsive – or mobile-friendly. They’ve even created a “mobile-first” index.

Being responsive means that your website’s pages are automatically adapted and re-sized when they’re accessed through mobile devices.

But it’s not enough just to be mobile-friendly: you need to make sure your website is user-friendly –  that it provides a positive experience for users of your mobile connections.

You should also ensure that your site is quick-loading to create a positive experience. Be sure that your web design – in particular the mobile iteration – is sufficiently small in file size so that it can load quickly.

  1. Ensure Clarity of Contact Info

You want to build trust with potential customers.

One of the best ways of doing that is by making sure you include contact info that is clear and easy to understand.

Devote a page to displaying your business phone number, email address, brick-and-mortar address, operating hours, official details of registration, and an easy-to-read map and directions.

It’s also helpful to display this information on your website’s footer.

The Takeaway

Creating a website that attracts and retains users takes time and planning.

But with the right investment of time and thought, your efforts will be rewarded with a final product that will make your site stand out in a competitive marketplace.

Be clear about your business goals, your target audience, and the image you want to project to them.  By following the tips above, you’ll be well on your way.

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