What You Need to Know Before Traveling to Connecticut

Connecticut is one of the most beautiful states in the US. It is well known for its amazing natural scenery. If you take the train from New York, you will get there within 30 minutes. During this ride, you can enjoy the view of the charming small towns and villages you will pass. When you get there, you will find it fairly easy to move around to see all the places you want to go to. However, there are a few things you should keep in mind before you pack your bags and hit the road. 

Here is what you need to know about Connecticut before you get there.


Connecticut is located between New York and Boston, which makes it very accessible. The excellent highway system also makes it easy to reach your destination anywhere in Connecticut. On the other hand, a good highway system spells trouble for car drivers. In addition to Connecticut’s infamous traffic jams, there is also a high probability of car accidents. In 2018, 43% of motor crash deaths in Connecticut were car accidents. This could lead to serious complications, which is why you might want to consider a personal injury lawyer.

You can read more details on personal injury and compensations if need to get help. You’d be surprised by how much you didn’t know about legal options and rights, which can be pointed out to you by a personal injury attorney.

Fortunately, public transportation is decent. Connecticut has a great railway system if that is your preferred method of transportation. There are also local and express bus services available around the state for your convenience. So, if you want to skip on using a car altogether, then you can do it that Connecticut.

Natural Wonders

Traveling to Connecticut 1Connecticut has an assortment of attractions that you must visit if you like to wander in nature. One such attraction is the Sleeping Giant. It is fun to go hiking on the trails of the Sleeping Giant, and take loads of pictures while you’re at it. This place has a rich native American folklore that could entertain you as you hike towards the viewing tower at the top.

You can also enjoy hiking at Steep Rock Preserve, where you will walk one hundred yards among the trees! If you’re more into swimming, then you can swim to the bottom of the waterfall in Riga. It is a good way to spend time, especially in summer, when people want to escape the heat. You can also go to Ocean Beach Park, where the white sand will certainly enchant you.

Delicious Food

Since Connecticut is the official birthplace of hamburgers, you should definitely eat them there. You can eat the original burgers when you go to Louis’ Lunch in New Haven. If you’re in the mood for a mouthwatering pizza, there are several great places in New Haven as well as other cities across the state. Fans of seafood can also eat to their heart’s content at the numerous restaurants and lobster shacks dotting the vast coastline.

An Expensive State

Due to its geographical location between Boston and New York, Connecticut is considered one of the most expensive states. The costs of living are higher than average. Actually, the living costs in Stamford are only 17% less than Manhattan, New York. So, traveling there will surely cost you. Also, beware of the expensive price of housing if you intend to move to Connecticut. A regular family home could cost up to $243,700. Even more, property taxes are above average. All of these factors should be taken into consideration if you are thinking of moving there.

Rich History

There are multiple museums around the state for people who appreciate art. You will find sculptures, contemporary art, dinosaur skeletons, and historic sites that go back to Native American and African American history.

For fans of science, there are science, technology and transportation museums that display models of nuclear submarines, historical machines, trains, and even airplanes. You can take your children with you to visit the museums designed especially for kids to help them learn while playing. Children do love dinosaurs, space, and animals, these museums will include displays of the kind.

Travelling to Connecticut can be a fun, educational experience for all members of the family. You will get to enjoy the locally made delicious food and visit unique museums. However, you should be careful when it comes to your safety on highways. Pre-organizing your trip and calculating the costs will work best for you if you intend to stay there for a few days.


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