Types Of Workplace Injuries And Ways To Protect Yourself

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Nobody can predict an injury, it can happen anywhere and anytime. No one wants to sustain an injury at work, and despite taking all the precautions, one cannot avoid it at times. Governments and organizations have taken several measures to reduce workplace injuries including regulations, staff training, procedures, and policies. While these have helped reduce injuries, it hasn’t brought a complete end. Workplace deaths have reduced, but there is still much that needs to be done in this area. Being aware of common injuries can allow you to understand the risks and take the necessary steps to protect yourself. In this article, we look at the most common workplace injuries and the different ways they can be avoided. 

Trips, slips, and falls

Trips, slips, and falls account for several injuries globally. They can be caused due to environmental factors like bad lighting, inappropriate footwear, slippery surfaces, or an electrical hazard. Such injuries can lead to fractures, cuts, musculoskeletal injuries, dislocations, or bruises, and usually impact the ankles, knees, and back. However, there is a way such injuries can be avoided. Besides the organizations taking the necessary steps, one also needs to wear the right footwear, watch out for slippery surfaces, and watch the floor when walking. If you notice something is not right in the office, speak to the management or HR and get it repaired. 

Strain injuries 

Repetitive strain injuries or RSIs are injuries that impact the soft tissues on the back, shoulders, neck, hands, and arms. Many people associate RSIs with individuals who spend long hours sitting in front of the computer, and this can happen to anyone across any industry. The best way to avoid the injury is to use a standing desk or exercise regularly and move your muscles every few hours. 

Struck by moving or stationary objects

A common workplace hazard is getting struck by a moving or a stationary object. An expert in oil rig accident lawyer at Chopin law firm states, “If you work in a manufacturing facility or a warehouse, it could be getting struck by tools, boxes or any other materials, and it could also be injury caused by moving equipment or machinery. If you are struck by such objects, it can lead to crushed bones or even cause a major brain injury.” On the other hand, there could be times when you are injured by tripping over debris or ramming into a stationary object. It usually happens when the objects are placed where they should not be. Employers must take the necessary steps to ensure that the locations where employees frequently move are clear and no heavy objects are in the way.

Muscular injuries 

If you are involved in manual work that requires a lot of lifting, restraining, pulling, and pushing the objects in your workplace, there are chances of suffering from a muscular injury. It could occur when you lift a load inappropriately or lift something heavy, and do not take breaks in between. It could lead to back injuries or upper limb injuries and will require medical intervention.  


Another common injury at the workplace, electrocution happens when an employee is exposed to a dangerous power line or utility, and it can happen anywhere, in an office, at a warehouse, or even on a cruise. Precautions must be taken by ensuring that there are no live wires around and that the workers wear protective equipment and clothing when working around electrical equipment. 

Vehicle accident

When working in a place where vehicles are involved, one has to understand that there could be a potential for vehicle injuries. There could be a car accident at the port or construction zones, and this can lead to severe injury. Even individuals who drive often need to be careful in a car accident. 

Making a change

The best way to make a change is to investigate and identify the cause. All organizations aren’t the same, and while something may work for an organization, it might not be suitable for another industry. Hence, no one solution fits all. The management should identify the cause behind the injury and take the necessary steps. If an employee suffers a fall, there are high chances of something similar happening to another employee if no changes are made. It is essential to look for a cause behind the situation and it could be a slippery floor, bad lighting, or damaged floor covering. Once the issue is identified, the organization should take action to ensure that such a situation does not arise again.

Additionally, staff training can help avoid such situations. No matter the industry, the staff should be trained to handle different machines and equipment that can help prevent injuries. When the staff is trained in identifying, reporting, and removing the hazards, it will ensure that everyone is working towards building a safe and secure work environment.