Water is essential for life

Water is found everywhere on the earth’s crust. It is an abundant resource, a huge market for business and very essential in our day-to-day activities in life. Water has a wide array of applications, and it is believed that an average person uses more than 300 gallons of water per day for domestic purposes; both indoor and outdoor use.

Domestic water needs include use for: drinking, bathing, swimming, and cooking. It is essential to note that “Healthy water is the life-line of every home”. A good way to ensure you and your family are drinking potable water is by using a water filtration system such as the one of Zerowaterfilter.

What is essential for life - Pitcher of water with lemon slices

The use of water filters at home helps remove hardness, sediments, sand, dust, and bacteria from water. It is ideal to use water filters at home not because they only remove contaminants in water, but also help improve the taste of drinking water, remove hardness from water, promote healthy living, and prevent waterborne illness.

Different water filters are crafted for detection, and enumeration of various contaminants at home. They are available in a wide range of shapes and sizes, and most of the water filters are selected based on the environment, lifestyle and budget. Here are a few of them:

Types of water filters

  • Water filter pitchers

These carbon-induced filters are widely employed to remove odor and taste from tap water by filtering out a variety of bad-tasting contaminants like chlorine, lead, zinc, and hydrogen sulfide from water. Water from a high pressure source is introduced into the pitcher reservoir, which passes through the filter cartridge before being poured out for use.

  • Refrigeration water filters

These types of filtration process remove bad tastes and odor from water by employing mechanical and carbon filtration methods. Water runs mechanically along the outer materials to filter dirt and suspended particles from water. Contaminants that cannot be removed mechanically are adsorbed onto the carbon’s surface. Refrigeration filters must be replaced regularly to avoid clogging of the filter cartridges.

  • Faucet-mounted water filters

These filters are attached to a standard water faucet, which filters a series of contaminants like chlorine, lead, particles, and bacteria from water. Faucet-mounted filters also remove dissolved gasses from water through the aeration process. The ability to turn the filter on and off during use is a useful feature of many faucet-mounted water filters.

  • Under-sink water filters

These filters are also known as in-line filters. These filters are used to treat water at specific points like the bathroom and kitchen faucets at home. They remove contaminants when water is passed through them before coming out of the faucet.

  • Water filter can

A water filter can doesn’t need any installation to a sink or the house. These filters look like a kettle and filter by carbon, that is used to make water more palatable to drink by absorbing contaminants, such as chemicals, bacteria, parasites from tap water to provide clean, and healthy water for the family.

  • Whole-house water filters

These water filters are installed near the main water supply of the house. They are specialized in filtering out various sediments, bacteria, heavy metals, and chlorine from getting to  taps. Whole-house filters ensure water getting to taps at home is safe for all our needs like drinking, cleaning, cooking, and washing.

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