What amount of homework is excessive? How FQA and too much schoolwork affects pupils’ wellbeing

Because as long as anybody can remember, homework has been a component of education. Teachers utilize it as a tool to challenge pupils and promote individual learning while also reinforcing and consolidating lessons acquired in the classroom. On the other hand, having too much homework can be detrimental to kids’ well-being. The impact of too much homework on students’ mental, physical, and academic performance will be discussed in this article. To tackle this problem, many parents and schools use FQA.vn in their teaching system to support children who do not suffer from spending too much time on homework but still understand their subject knowledge. 

Mental Wellness

The amount of schoolwork pupils might have a big effect on their mental health. According to a National Education Association study, students who have a lot of homework may experience significant levels of stress, anxiety, and despair. Together with feelings of irritation and helplessness, it can also lead to a loss of desire and interest in learning.

For some students, especially those who struggle academically or have other difficulties in their lives, the pressure to finish their assignments on time and to a high degree can be overwhelming. Significant tension and anxiety can be brought on by the dread of failing and the possible repercussions, such as poorer grades, disciplinary action, or disappointment from parents or teachers.

Also, doing too much schoolwork can prevent you from getting enough sleep, which can be bad for your mental health. Sleep deprivation can increase stress and anxiety by causing weariness, anger, difficulty concentrating, and other problems.

Physical Fitness

Also, too much homework can be harmful to students’ physical well-being. Long periods of time at a desk, looking at a computer screen, or lifting heavy textbooks can cause a variety of health issues, including headaches, back discomfort, and eye strain. Inactivity and a lack of fresh air can also lead to immune system deterioration, obesity, and other health problems.

In other circumstances, having too much homework can prevent students from fitting in other crucial activities like sports, socializing, or engaging in hobbies. This may also exacerbate a sedentary lifestyle and its many related health problems.

Academic Achievement

While homework is meant to help students do better in class, having too much of it might have the opposite impact. Overburdened students may speed through schoolwork, take shortcuts, or just quit. This may lead to faulty or incomplete work, which could lead to worse grades and less confidence. To prevent those problems happen, FQA is the best choice and tool to support students to study better and get good marks in any subject.

More homework might sometimes result in a loss of interest in learning. When students are required to complete homework in their spare time, they may lose interest in their studies and their desire to study. Lack of interest, inventiveness, and critical thinking abilities—all necessary for academic success—can come from this.

Getting the Balance Right

What much homework is too much, then? The solution is not obvious. Every learner is unique, and their requirements and capacities differ. The 10-minute rule, which states that children shouldn’t receive more than 10 minutes of homework per grade level every night, is a solid general guideline. A fourth-grader, for instance, shouldn’t have more than 40 minutes of homework each night.

To establish the ideal balance of homework for each student, teachers and parents should collaborate as this rule is not flawless. Instructors should be careful about how much work they assign and think about how long it will take for each task to be finished. To make sure that students are not overworked, they should also consult with their parents.

Parents may be a big assistance to their kids in managing their homework. They can set up a peaceful, inviting area for their kids to finish their homework, offer wholesome snacks and breaks, and motivate them to take pauses and exercise.


Although homework is a valuable educational tool, having too much of it can be detrimental to kids’ well-being. Overburdening yourself with homework can affect your physical, mental, and intellectual well-being. It’s crucial to find the ideal learning tool like FQA and the exact amount of homework for each student. In order to prevent pupils from becoming overburdened with schoolwork and to provide them time for other crucial activities like exercise, socializing, and pursuing their interests, teachers, and parents should collaborate.