What are the most common injuries in Lacrosse?

Lacrosse is a low-risk, fun sport where many of the injuries presented are often minor and easy to deal with. Still, like any competitive sport, significant injuries can occur in Lacrosse. This article will explain in detail the major injuries that happen in Lacrosse and elaborate on how the injuries can be prevented before and when they happen.

  • Ligament sprains. In both boys and girls Lacrosse, ankle and knee ligament sprains can be sustained while running, dodging, and cutting. Ligament sprains are common and can lead to swelling of the knee or ankle, stiffness, pain, and the inability to support your weight.
  • ACL or the Anterior Cruciate Ligament tears. This injury is a partial or complete tear of the anterior cruciate, caused by a sudden change in direction, a jump, or sudden stopping. If you are returning to Lacrosse from a ACL injury, you may want to view this article “7 Best Knee Braces for Lacrosse” by the experts at Knee Force
  • Muscle strains. The primary muscles affected by this injury are the quadriceps and the groin. When you don’t warm up your muscles well before a game or practice, you might be prone to muscle strains.
  • Concussions and other facial injuries. These injuries are commonly caused by a hard slip that leads to a hard fall or intense body contact between the players and happens more in actual games than in practices.
  • Shin splints, bruises, and foot blisters. Injuries of such nature would be considered very common and are caused by continuous running.
  • Abrasions. This injury is common and happens when a player tears their skin. A forceful brush against the grass can cause abrasions. Sometimes, you will hear terms like �grass burn’ used to describe abrasion caused by friction from falling on the grass.
  • Fractures. Wrist and ankle fractures can happen quite often in Lacrosse. An ankle fracture can be caused by hard turns during the game, while a wrist fracture can be caused by an intense swing of the wrist while passing, catching, or scoring the ball.

How can Lacrosse injuries be prevented?

Whereas sometimes injuries can’t be avoided, it is always good practice to exercise good training and warm-up habits. Here is how you can prevent Lacrosse injuries;

  • Warm-up before every practice and game. Warming up your muscles before practices and games help your muscles get ready for physical activity. “This habit will prevent injuries related to muscles like the hamstring and ankle injuries.” an expert from Ankle Action
  • Know the rules of the game. An unfair play has no place in the game of Lacrosse. Knowing and understanding the rules protects you from injury and protects your teammates and your opponents. Lacrosse can get physical, and causing confusion can be dangerous. Make sure to ask questions when you don’t understand some of the rules.
  • Condition for the sport. Make sure you stay in shape all year round. Train your muscles to endure the physicality of the game. Conditioning your body can be done in different forms. A simple jog in the morning can go a long way and can complement weight lifting in the gym in your free time.
  • Wear the right equipment. The best way to prevent injuries during a game of Lacrosse or at practice is to wear the proper protective equipment. Also, make sure your gear fits you properly and do not try to modify it. If the equipment is not the right size, do not use it.
  • Report an injury when it happens. Some injuries may sound and feel minor but can cause significant issues when not checked. Make sure to report all sorts of discomfort to prevent future and major injuries from happening.
  • Take a break after a game. Lacrosse games are intense. Make sure to take a day or two to rest and recover. This tendency keeps your body in shape and prevents your muscles from burning out.


How safe is Lacrosse?

With continuous education, training, and technology, Lacrosse is a safe sport to play. Even though the level of play might determine the sport’s safety, lacrosse players at the high levels are trained, equipped, and conditioned for the sport at that level. Safety begins at a personal level. Make sure your wellness is okay first before taking part in Lacrosse. Furthermore, make yourself familiar with the sport’s rules and regulations, and you will surely enjoy the sport.

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