What is a Brand Map?

Most marketers juggle between two goals. This includes making business brands different and making them central in the industry.

Central brands, including McDonald’s in fast foods and Coca-Cola in soft drinks, are the most representative of their kind.

On the other hand, distinctive brands, like Dos Equis in beer and Tesla in cars, also stand out from the crowd and avoid competition with popular central brands. However, all these brands have one thing in common – brand mapping.

So, What is a Brand Mapping?

According to brand agencies Minneapolis, brand mapping refers to the filing process in the details of a brand, including style, personality, content marketing strategies, and business goals.

Brand mapping normally helps business leaders see where they are going, whereas staff members have a feel of competition and know how to perform in a capacity, which is helpful to the whole company.

Attributes of Brand Mapping

A simple brand map is basically a 2D graph with horizontal and vertical axis. Every axis has several opposite attributes at the end of the axis.

For example, when it comes to cars, the vertical axis on the map will have a luxury vehicle at one end, while the economy car to the other end.

Every car is drawn on the graph depending on how customers understand their vehicles.

At times, brand maps might have more than two dimensions so as to let businesses compare more than two attributes.

While these maps might become hard and complex to understand, they may also provide more helpful details.

Creating a Brand Map

At first, you will need to determine the kind of brand map you wish to create. Many brand maps are diagrams with two main axes, enabling participants to rank items relative to others.

Some brand maps also concentrate on placing brands on those axes relative to each other. In such a case, both axes represent an attribute. To create a brand map, you will need to:

  • Name and assess the competition
  • Develop a positioning statement
  • Identify your USP
  • Determine the current position of your brand

Using a Brand Mapping

You can use brand mapping with both quantitative data and qualitative data. Although the entire process of creating the map remains the same for all of them, they have different purposes.

In general, brand mapping shows businesses how to get insights through digital customer engagement and customer perceptions.

The Importance of Brand Mapping

Normally, brand maps come with many details, which you can use to communicate where your brand is heading. Apart from surfacing insights and learning, mapping can serve as a powerful and effective tool to describe the future position of your brand, especially when you want to change its position.

Mapping your service or product is also the most effective and convenient way to attract busy customers. A convenience-based mapping highlights the reason why your company’s service or product is more convenient in a competitive market.

Final Touches!

With a complete view of customer perception, the brand mapping can help every marketer position depending on their distinct and true features to grab a bigger consumer mindshare.

This further helps marketers to make a strategic assessment with the right implications for profitability, risk, sales, and pricing.

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