What Is Cryptocurrency Mining: How It Works, Environmental Impact, And Alternatives

Cryptocurrency offers accessibility of financial services to people worldwide. Moreover, virtual money made it simpler for regular users to earn passive income. Many choose to buy cryptocurrencies, while others prefer to mine them. This article covers everything you need to know about cryptocurrency mining.

Understanding Cryptocurrency Mining And How It Works

Let’s start with the basics: what is cryptocurrency? It is a digital or virtual currency that is used within a blockchain. Most modern cryptocurrencies are created through mining (although it’s not the only option). 

Cryptocurrency mining is validating financial operations on a blockchain network using powerful computers or specific mining rigs to solve complicated mathematical puzzles. It is a method for miners to earn cryptocurrency in exchange for providing computational power to the network. Simply put, it’s not “mining” as most people understand the process; it’s solving puzzles to add a transaction to a blockchain. This process results in a creation of a new coin. 

A decentralized computer network that verifies and validates transactions maintains the blockchain network, and it operates according to blockchain technology. These machines (or, rather, people) are known as nodes, and they work together to ensure the network’s integrity by confirming that all transactions are legitimate. Thus, there is no one central entity that controls the blockchain. Instead, there’s a huge network of computers, and everyone can join it.

When a user initiates a blockchain transaction, it is available for adding by all nodes on the blockchain network. The nodes verify the transaction using their computers to solve complicated mathematical puzzles. 

Once a miner solves the puzzle and, thus, validates the transaction, they add the validated transaction to the remainder of the network. After that, the transaction is added to a blockchain. This mining process rewards the miner for their computational power by offering cryptocurrency mining rewards in the native blockchain’s digital currency, for instance, Bitcoin.

Given all the information above, cryptocurrency mining is an essential component of the blockchain network since it protects its decentralization, security, and integrity. However, mining is not cheap as it requires mining hardware, software, electricity, and other things. 

What Do You Need For Crypto Mining?

If someone wants to start mining cryptocurrency, for example, Bitcoin mining, they need to make a significant investment. The process requires more than just a computer and connection to the internet. Here’s what a miner requires to start mining:

  • Mining hardware. Cryptocurrency mining requires specialized hardware (mining rig) that solves difficult mathematical puzzles efficiently and quickly due to increased mining difficulty. A graphics processing unit (GPU) or an application-specific integrated circuit (ASIC) is the most preferred mining hardware type.
  • Cryptocurrency mining software. One can’t mine without installing proper software. It is required to control and link the hardware to the blockchain network. A miner can use the program to modify the mining parameters and get rewards.
  • Electricity. A cryptocurrency miner requires a substantial amount of electricity to power the mining machinery. The cost of power varies greatly depending on where you live. Thus, before you start mining, consider energy consumption and efficiency. It may be less beneficial to mine if your electricity bills are too high.
  • Internet connection. To connect to the blockchain network and validate financial operations, a miner requires a stable internet connection.
  • Crypto wallet. Mining means receiving coins. Thus, one needs a crypto wallet to store newly acquired funds.

This is a list of everything you require for solo mining. You should also understand how cryptocurrency and blockchain work, although it’s not a problem, given the number of educational resources and online tutorials. 

Another option is joining a mining pool. It’s the opposite of solo mining since you join a group of miners. When you solo mine, you get all the rewards. However, you must delegate a substantial amount of computational power so the network allows you to validate the transaction. This means you need a powerful mining rig, which costs a lot. 

Instead, you can join the mining pool to add your computational power to the pool. Thus, you get to validate transactions more often, although you can’t have the entire reward for yourself: all rewards are distributed among pool users. 

Environmental Impact Of Cryptocurrency Mining

As mentioned, one needs powerful computers to mine coins. This leads to huge amounts of energy consumption. Thus, cryptocurrency mining has a substantial environmental impact, often very negative. Cryptocurrency mining results in a large carbon footprint, which may contribute to climate change and global warming.

According to some estimations, the Bitcoin network’s annual energy usage alone is similar to that of countries such as Argentina or Norway! This energy usage can potentially cause large greenhouse gas emissions and other environmental disasters.

Moreover, cryptocurrency mining can contribute to e-waste because mining hardware becomes useless once new models appear on the market. Mining rigs consist of various components that contain harmful materials or substances. Thus, e-waste can have serious environmental and health consequences.

Several efforts are being made to reduce the environmental impact of cryptocurrency mining by governments worldwide. More countries are now considering cryptocurrency mining regulations to control its environmental impact. The new regulations may include using renewable energy sources to power mining operations or using more energy-efficient technology. Furthermore, several cryptocurrencies are being created to be more energy-efficient and ecologically friendly. These cryptos work according to the algorithms of Proof of Stake or Delegated Proof of Stake.

Alternatives To Crypto Mining

The mining process is based on the Proof-of-work (PoW) consensus mechanism. Simply put, miners must put effort and work into validating a transaction, adding a block to the blockchain, and receiving rewards. However, there are less “power-hungry” alternatives to this consensus mechanism, such as Proof of Stake (PoS) and Delegated Proof of Stake (DPoS). 

The PoS system requires validators or stakeholders to “freeze” a specific amount of cryptocurrency as a “stake” to participate in the consensus process. Instead of solving complex mathematical calculations as in PoW systems, validators are chosen based on their stake to create new blocks. 

The more cryptocurrency a validator owns, the more likely it will be picked to create a block since validators with a bigger stake can lose more if they seek to validate invalid or scammy transactions.

Token holders in DPoS pass their voting rights to a smaller group of representatives or “witnesses” who create and validate new blocks. Token holders choose witnesses based on their reputation and ability to perform tasks. Witnesses are compensated for their efforts and are encouraged to keep the network’s integrity. Thus, witnesses are more eager to show great performance to get token holders’ trust.

How Profitable Is Crypto Mining?

When cryptocurrency was starting to gain popularity, many were investing in mining rigs and software to get profit. After all, these investments were paying off after some time, bringing lots of passive income. Miners could just leave their mining rigs and continue their days, still maintaining official jobs.

However, most cryptocurrencies experience the process called “having.” After some time, crypto rewards for mining are reduced in half. The next halving event for Bitcoin is scheduled to be in 2024. Thus, many are doubting today’s cryptocurrency mining profitability.

Moreover, environmental problems are still a concern, so many people are worried that mining won’t be restricted or banned. Some huge blockchain networks have already switched to PoS mechanisms. The most prominent example is Ethereum. People used to mine Ether, but now Ethereum mining is no longer a “thing,” given the recent switch from PoW to PoS. 

Overall, mining is still profitable, but not as before. Plus, the initial investment starts to pay off only after some time. While you’re mining, hoping to pay off your investment, the coin may decrease in value, leading to losses. 

Final Thoughts

Cryptocurrency mining is a great way to earn passive income, provided the miner invests in a promising coin. However, more people are concerned, and not without proper reasons, that it may lose its profitability due to environmental issues and regulations. Thus, if you want to start mining, you should do deeper research on the topic. 

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