Things to consider when selecting e-juice

An e-cig is nothing without the e-juice. In fact, the vape is just a medium because you actually get to enjoy the juice. In other words, your experience with e-cigs will be determined by your taste and preference for e-juices. For instance, if you want a noticeable nicotine hit that gives you satisfaction, then you can go with a perfectly curated e-juice like I Love Salts.

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Remember, there are hundreds of e-juice options with all sorts of flavor that you could think of. So, among all these, how do you choose the one that will work for you? Well, here are a few things to consider in the process:

  • Flavor

The first thing to consider will obviously be the flavor because that is what defines different brands and companies. Flavors are the soul of e-cigarettes. For flavors, you should start with what you know before trying something else. You should also take your time and get the best flavor that you’ll stick to all through.

  • Nicotine strength

Nicotine strength in e-juices can either be high, medium, or low. The higher concentration ranges from 18mg to 36 mg and is reserved for heavy chain smokers. This can be a perfect transition for someone who has just quit traditional smoking. The medium strength is between 5mg to 9mh, while the lowest is 6mg and below. And that is for the amateurs or those who want to reduce the amount of their nicotine intake.

  • PG or VG?

E-liquids will come in a base solution of either Propylene Glycol (PG) or Vegetable Glycerol (VG). At times, it comes in a combination of both, especially if you are after customization. So, what is the difference between PG and VG solutions? Well, PG is sweeter because it produces more flavors while VG mutes the flavor because it has a slightly sweet taste. However, vapor-wise, VG produces more vapor than PG. You must also ensure that you have no allergy history when goosing PG because it is believed to contain allergens that can trigger an allergic reaction.

  • Packaging and reliability

The packaging should be in a position to help you determine whether you are dealing with an original company or not. You should go for glass bottles instead of plastic because of the obvious health reasons. Plastic bottles can easily contaminate the contents in it, and the last thing you want is vaping from a poisonous cocktail that you hardly know the contents. Glass bottles also have a longer shelf-life, and they are easy to clean.

  • Testing

Lastly, you may think you love a particular flavor until you come to taste something else that feels better. Most vape users tend to stick to that one flavor they chose when they were getting introduced to vaping. You should, therefore, try a number of e-juice flavors before settling on what you think is best for you. Moreover, one brand’s strawberry flavor may taste different from another’s brand. If you are doing it for the first time, you can go ahead and purchase an exclusive taster’s pack that has more than one flavor for trying out.

Vaping is increasingly becoming popular, and if you are a fan of nicotine, that is what you should switch to. Other than the health benefits, it is also cool given that there is no smoke involved and, consequently, no bad breath or teeth discoloration. E-cigs don’t contain carcinogens too.


Interesting related article: “What is an e-Cigarette?