Why Do Some Parents Prefer to Educate Their Kids at Home?

Nowadays, parents are very concerned about their kids’ education and want to look into every
option to offer them the best possible education.

Additionally, the importance of education is recognised now more than ever.

According to the professionals who offer ideas on using assignment referencing tools and GPA
calculators, “The importance of educating our kids in the correct manner is underscored by the
fact that they hold the key to our future.”

Reasons behind Choosing a Home-School Concept

Parents who believe in the home-schooling concept generally avoid educational institutions.
They believe that they are the best mentors to guide their children.
On that note, let us understand why parents prefer to educate their kids at home.

1. Individualised instruction for each student

Schools cover a wide range of subjects to cater to the passions and abilities of every child.
However, parents can set specific goals for their children and customise the process.

Parents generally get the chance to mould their children according to their nature. They get
enough time to care for their inabilities and focus on their difficulties. They can get plenty of
freedom to build every lesson. Also, they can decide how much time they need to spend on every
assignment help.

2. Kids develop their self-motivation

When a child gets the encouragement to learn independently, they learn to be self-motivated.
Remember, a kid doesn’t get the idea of self-motivation from their classmates unless they start
working independently.

They start studying to get better grades than their friends.

The child won’t have to worry about bullying because no comparison and competition exist
regarding the class progress. The fact that it does not compare itself to others is where this

The appraisal compares the child’s current performance to their past performance, which is how
we should constantly assess ourselves.

3. They become less distracted

Whether you agree or not, school is a primary source of distractions. Kids spend their maximum
time learning other activities apart from studying. Also, they need to be engaged in other
extracurricular activities.

Students who attend school must spend some time in class and more time at home to complete
their assignments.

There isn’t any homework when a child is home-schooled. During the lesson, the student puts
forth all their efforts.

Additionally, it enables families to combine learning and vacation time.

Since home-schooling does not follow strict guidelines, children enjoy the learning process.
Also, they have a keen interest in learning several interesting things.

4. The development of the child requires more free time

The concept of home-schooling offers several opportunities to students. As they require more
free time, they can demand it from their parents. Also, they depend on their parents to learn new
things. Home-schooling gives children extra time to invest in other activities and playing, which
is an important aspect of their life.

It is completely fine to study individually as long as the child interacts with other children and
does not spend most of the day alone. Additionally, all young animals learn through play.

Consider how kittens play when they are young. Their game is about learning to hunt and
becoming good hunters one day!

The same thing applies to humans. So, playing makes them broad-minded and allows them to
explore their real-life experience.

Despite having less time in school, people from earlier generations had a lot of wisdom. It
demonstrates how crucial life lessons are to us.

5. Flexibility is another major issue

You can’t deny the fact that home-schooling offers much flexibility. Students get enough flexible
time when they learn at home. Parents can adjust the time according to teach their child. In
school, there are back-to-back classes.

But home-schooling doesn’t depend on a particular time, so the concept is pretty flexible.

Flexibility and break time – these two major concepts help the child to grow more interest.

Stats and Facts about Home-schooling

  • In the United States, there were around 3.1 million homeschoolers in grades K–12 in
    2021–2022 (corresponding to 6% of children of school age).
  • In the spring of 2022, roughly 2.5 million homeschoolers or 3–4% of students were
  • Over the previous few years, the number of students attending home schools had been
    increasing between 2% and 8%, but from 2019–2020 to 2020–2021, it increased sharply.

What are the Academic Success Rates?

  • On standardised academic success tests, homeschoolers often perform 15 to 25 percentile
    points better than pupils in regular schools. (Scores range from 1 to 99; the public school
    average is roughly in the 50th percentile.)
  • Home-school children outperform students in traditional schools by a statistically
    significant margin, according to 78% of peer-reviewed research on academic
  • Home-school students consistently outperform the national average on achievement
    exams no matter how well-educated their parents are or how much money their family

Should Parents Be Allowed to Adopt the Concept of Home Schooling?

  • In some major countries like France, Canada, England and Australia, students can go for
    the home-schooling concept. It is perfectly okay for the parents to teach their children at
    home. It is legal in these countries.
  • Parents frequently follow this strategy for religious reasons. One of our most fundamental
    rights is the freedom of religion, and many parents opt to raise their children following
    their own moral and religious values.
  • Most of the time, parents are unhappy with the quality of education. They believe their
    kids don’t get the tutoring they need. Others, however, are concerned about protecting
    their kids from unnecessary complex and bullies.

Whatever the reasons are, parents, as their legal guardians, can definitely decide and have the
right to make decisions about their kids and their futures, including the pattern of the education
system they receive from their institutions.

Concluding Note

Home-schooling has been proven to be quite successful. According to statistics, many children
who have been home-schooled are accepted into prestigious universities worldwide. Comparing
these pupils to “normal” students, they do not in any way academically underperform. Children
have their basic right to receive the best education quality. So, home-schooling must be
implemented in every corner of the world and should be legalised to encourage them.

Author Bio

Sherry Gomez is a retired blog writer and professor at a renowned university in the UK. She is
passionate about helping students with college assignments. And now, she undertakes different
assignment-related works at MyAssignmenthelp.com.