Why do you have to invest in equity shares?

How to get started investing - the stock market

Do you want to know about the stock options? A stock option is simply known as an equity option that gives the right to investors to buy and sell the shares at their agreed price. Equity shares are considered the long-term financing source for the company.

These shares are issued to the public. The equity shares are exist non-redeemable in nature. Investors in equity shares have the right to vote, share profits, and get the assets of the company. The values in equity shares are expressed in several terms, such as face values, par value, book value, etc.

Reasons to invest in equity shares. 

There are many reasons why it is considered good to invest in equity shares. Investing in equity shares brings many benefits, as given below.

High income 

The equity share market is a good segment of the capital market that is responsible for making remarkable income for investors. Wealth creation not only works by the capital appreciation of such shares but also by receiving individuals’ high dividend earnings.

Hedge against the inflation 

Investing in equity shares increases individuals’ living standards through asset value appreciation. Money invested in such shares provides manifold returns that are higher than the erosion rates of purchasing power of individuals due to inflation.

As a result, the real investment values increase with time, only with the help of investments made in equity shares.

Portfolio diversification 

Investors having a low-risk aptitude tend towards debt instruments as they become less volatile. However, the bond and stock market fluctuations are indirectly related to terms of aggregate demand.

On the other hand, if the bond market is underperforming, risk-averse investors can profit by investing in the best equity shares.

Types of equity shares 

There are four types of equity shares, ordinary shares, preference shares, bonus shares, and right shares.

Ordinary shares

Ordinary shares are issued by the company to offer funds to businesses to meet their long-term expenses. Such shares are associated with ownership benefits that are offered to investors.

Preference equity shares

Preference equity shares are usually issued to the investor as a payment guarantee of cumulative dividends before distributing the returns to ordinary shareholders. Remember that preference equity shares are not associated with membership, and voting rights are usually given on common shares.

Bonus shares

Bonus shares are issued from the earnings made by the business. Bonus shares are distributed among all investors of the company.

Right shares 

Right shares are issued to premium investors by the company. These shares are provided at a discount price in the form of an invitation to increase the stake in the respective business.


Equity shares help you gain a good return from the total investments you make in the stock market. Along with this, there is also a high risk associated with equity shares. This is why it is always recommended that you invest in equity shares smartly by following the stock market strategies.

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