With AR, how companies sell furniture has significantly changed. This is how.

Augmented Reality is one of the most promising technologies transforming how we shop. It has expanded beyond gaming and entertainment and is now used in the fashion, retail, healthcare, and furniture industries. This article will explore how AR in furniture is transforming how companies sell furniture. This will also help you comprehend why you need 3D and AR furniture views to boost sales and drive business. 

Revolutionizing the Traditional Furniture Buying Experience

The traditional furniture buying experience can be intimidating and time-consuming. Furniture stores often need more space to showcase their products, and customers may have to wait to get a chance to see and try out the desired furniture. Moreover, furniture stores are often located far away from where customers live or work, so customers have to spend time getting to and from the store. 

Augmented Reality has revolutionized the traditional furniture buying experience by allowing customers to shop for furniture from the comfort of their homes. AR helps customers visualize how a piece of furniture looks in their homes, which makes the process faster and more convenient. This saves time and helps them view the furniture from different perspectives to choose which furniture suits their interest and the interior of their house. You must already know how tiring buying furniture can be, especially when you have to make a blind guess if it is suitable for your house. We may now agree that this problem is now solved.

How AR Works in Furniture Retail

AR technology uses a smartphone or tablet app and camera to superimpose a 3D digital image of a furniture piece onto the real-world environment. With the AR app, customers can browse the digital furniture catalog, select a piece of furniture they like, and project it onto the location where they want it. Customers can see if the furniture fits their needs, complements their décor, and visualize how it will look. The app allows customers to experiment with colors, models, and designs, which personalizes their shopping experience and increases the likelihood of customer satisfaction.

This is how the new generation prefers to shop, be it fashion or other pieces of equipment; they want to experience and know everything about the product from the vicinity of their homes on an app. If you want to capture their hearts and build a business, the best way is to understand how they shop and prepare a strategy based on that.

AR Benefits over Traditional Methods

AR technology offers numerous advantages over traditional furniture buying methods. 

Modern-age Buying Experience 

Customers can browse an almost infinite number of styles and color combinations without traveling to different stores. With AR, customers can simulate a real-life environment to see if the furniture piece’s size, style, and color fits their space and decor. Because AR is interactive and immersive, customers can ‘try out’ any furniture piece and experiment with different product configurations, which traditional methods don’t always allow.

Showcasing the Products

Another benefit is that shops no longer have to rely on the availability of furniture to showcase them. This can have multiple benefits, like the flexibility to show all the products in AR, as generally, you require a big space to showcase furniture, and you may only be able to showcase some of them later. It will also help you to reduce losses in products sold for a short time. With AR, you don’t have to showcase all the products physically and only ship them when someone buys them.

Understanding what Consumers want 

It’s also interesting to notice how with changing times, more and more consumers that belong to GenZ prefer designs you cannot understand on pen and paper. The advent of AR not only helps retailers but also changes how consumers show what they want, bringing diversity in designs we get to see in the furniture.  

AR in Action

AR-powered furniture retail offers a truly interactive and personalized experience from start to finish. Customers can visually design their homes and projects and, with the help of AR technology, place and modify the furniture to scale and discover the result. The AR-enabled tools give customers the power of control and creativity, which removes the guesswork, and hassle and make the furniture shopping experience pleasant.

Some interior designers have started designing their projects in cloud-based AR services. It helps them to see what best fits their client and choose accordingly. While furniture shops form a sub-category in such businesses, you can partner with them to advertise your products. 

The Future of AR in Furniture Retail

AR furniture view has opened new doors for furniture companies regarding customer satisfaction and engagement. As technology evolves and AR artworks become more accessible to modern retailers, we can expect AR to transform furniture retail as we know it today. 

And guess what? It is going to be the most prominent way to advertise soon. Unlike other industries, the furniture industry will benefit the most from the advent of AR. As the industry embraces this emerging technology, we expect it to become an integral part of the consumer experience.


AR technology is at the forefront of the furniture buying experience, allowing customers access to immersive, interactive, and personalized digital storefronts. AR has transformed the traditional furniture buying experience by improving convenience, offering a wider selection, and allowing customization. As technology improves and customer demands evolve, we expect Augmented Reality to continue to evolve and transform the furniture industry. And if you want to keep up with the industry trend, integrating AR into your furniture business can be the best way, to begin with. Employ a no-code platform like PlugXR and start recreating your furniture models in AR without needing to buy a cost-heavy AR development service.