The colors you wear to a job interview can reveal your attributes

The colors you wear to a job interview could influence how your the employer perceives you. 

A new survey from CareerBuilder (a global leader in human capital solutions), which included 2,099 hiring managers and human resource professionals, reveals what attributes employers tend to associate with the colors people wear to job interviews.

When asked what colors to wear to a job interview, blue was the most popular choice with 23 percent of respondents saying so, followed by black (with 15 percent).

The worst color to wear to a job interview was orange. Employers tend to associate the color orange for a job interview as very unprofessional.

Conservative colors such as black, gray, and blue were found to portray a higher level of professionalism than others.

The colors you wear in the job interview reveal perceived attributes to the hiring manager.


Below is a list of colors accompanied with key attributes they are associated with, according to hiring managers and human resource professionals:

  • Black – Leadership
  • Blue – Team Player
  • Gray – Logical/Analytical
  • White – Organized
  • Brown – Dependable
  • Red – Power
  • Green, Yellow, Orange or Purple – Creative

Dressing for success

Fit in – it is important not to come in wearing flip flops and shorts to an interview where everyone is in business suits or vice-versa. Regardless of the environment, it is important not to get too casual though. At the very least wear a nice pair of pants (or skirt) and collared shirt.

Stick with neutral colors – you honestly can’t go wrong wearing black, brown or gray. Bear that in mind.

Make sure your clothes actually fit you – don’t wear clothes that are too tight and avoid loose clothing too.

Nothing too flamboyant – avoid over-sized jewelry, wacky ties or patterns that could distract the interviewer.

How was this survey conducted?

The U.S. survey was carried out online on behalf of CareerBuilder by Harris Interactive© . The hiring managers and human resource professionals were surveyed between August 13 and September 6, 2013.