800 year old mobile phone has everybody talking about aliens

If you came across an 800 year old mobile phone fossil you might wonder whether intelligent aliens visited us in the past, or somebody today managed to solve the challenge of time travel. But as far as historians are concerned, mobile phones, which started coming onto the market in the 1980s, definitely did not exist in the 13th century.

Technically, it is not a fossil, because it is not preserved in petrified form (in stone).

A YouTube video has emerged which claims to show an 800-year old artefact that looks just like a modern mobile phone.

The video footage – posted by YouTube channel ‘Paranormal Crucible’ – claims to show an authentic filming of an artefact discovered by archaeologists at Fuschl am See, between the city of Salzburg and Bad Ischl in Austria.

Old Mobile Phone fossil found in AustriaIt does look a bit like the Nokia phones that used to be on the market in the 1990s.

Specimen has keys with Cuneiform symbols

The artefact, which is said be to 800 years old, has what looks like a small screen at the top, control keys and several mobile phone-looking keys below. The keys have Cuneiform symbols engraved on them.

Cuneiform script is one of the earliest writing systems, distinguished by its wedge-shaped marks that were inscribed on clay tablets. Cuneiform writing started as a system of pictographs in the late 4th millennium BCE by an ancient people living in Babylonia (in modern Iraq).

According to the speaker on the video, UFO researchers believe that “an advanced extra-terrestrial species visited earth in the distance past. If this is true, then its possible artefacts like this were copied directly from extra-terrestrial technology.”

Proof of aliens or a hoax?

Alien enthusiasts are convinced this is compelling proof that advanced extraterrestrials have visited Earth in the past. A considerable number of viewers wonder whether the whole thing is a festive-season hoax.

To The Death Media, a conspiracy website, made the following comments regarding the alleged spectacular find:

“There are two things that just don’t add up. First of all discovering anything that resembles cuneiform writing in Austria is an extraordinary finding since great distance separated Austria and Ancient Mesopotamia, so it is a true mystery how the object ended up in Europe.”

It is a pity the speaker on the video gives us no details of when the archaeological dig occurred and who discovered the object. Until we get more details, perhaps we will have to assume that this is just another hoax using a slightly obsolete Nokia mobile phone.

The speaker on the video added:

“Until further analysis of this peculiar-form tablet is completed, we can only speculate at what it truly represents. But maybe one day, our true history will become clear, and the bright light of truth will finally reveal its secrets.”

If we gave the video the benefit of our doubt, the time-travel theory would still be hard to believe. There are no mobile phones around today with Cuneiform symbols on the keys.

Video – 800-year-old mobile phone found in Austria

The alleged archaeological find looks very much like a modern day cellphone. It was reportedly found earlier this year by archaeologists during a dig in a city in the Austrian state of Slazburg.