11 Surprising Ways to Cure Mucus in Throat

The secretions found in the throat, including saliva, nasal secretions, and sometimes acid discharges from the stomach, are referred to as phlegm (pronounced FLEM). It’s an issue when phlegm interferes with speaking, breathing, or swallowing. A “wet” or “gurgly” voice and swallowing difficulties can result from too much phlegm.

A phlegm buildup can lead a person to clear his or her throat frequently and repeatedly. Phlegm can also cause people to wake up in the middle of the night. It is easier to tolerate when the mucus is thin, but it becomes more difficult to tolerate as it thickens. It could be a source of concern when there isn’t enough phlegm in the system.


Postnasal drip patients may feel compelled to clear their throats regularly.

Mucus also has specific chemicals for our immune system. These chemicals can irritate tissues, leading to a painful throat, cough, and hoarseness. You can notice the problem of postnatal, especially at night, especially while lying down. You can notice:

  • A sore or scratchy throat
  • Nausea from extra mucus in the stomach
  • Excessive spitting up or swallowing mucus
  • Poor breath and a cough that worsens at night

Individuals will also have postnasal drip problems that cause other symptoms.

Why does your body generate excessive mucus?

Mucus plays a vital part in the human body. Many of your tissues are lined with it, and its smooth texture protects and moisturizes while simultaneously trapping any allergens.

When you do the following, your body will go into overdrive, producing mucus and phlegm:

  • Have a cold
  • Suffer from inflamed sinuses (sinusitis)
  • Suffer from allergies
  • Are you exposed to pollution or smoke?


Here are some tips to get rid of throat mucus:

1. Humidify the air

By moisturizing the air around, you, you can keep mucus thin. You have just heard that steam can help with phlegm and congestion, and the idea has little evidence to back it up, and it could even cause severe burns. Instead of steam, a cool-mist humidifier should be employed.

The humidifier can be left on all day, and you have to change the water once a day and clean your humidifier as directed by the manufacturer.

2. Stay hydrated

Mucus flow can be reduced by drinking enough liquids, especially warm liquids. By enabling your mucus to flow, water can help you get rid of congestion.

Juice, clear broths, and chicken soup are frequently ingested.

Decaffeinated tea, warm fruit juice, or lemon water are all healthy drink options.

Try to use a warm, damp towel to clean the face. You can help yourself to relieve a pounding sinus headache.

3. Keeping the head elevated

If you find it difficult to get a sound sleep due to mucus in your throat, try to elevate your head. You can also try to sleep in a reclining. In such a condition, there is a possibility that you get a feeling that mucus is collecting at the back of the throat, which might make things worse.

4. Use cough syrup

A person suffering from chronic, phlegm-filled cough finds it hard to get suppressants. It would be best if you understood that coughing is the body’s technique of removing secretions from the lungs and throat. You can try to use cough syrups sparingly.

5. Gargle saltwater

Swishing with salt water may help reduce inflammation in the throat, though there aren’t many studies on it. Gargle with half a teaspoon of salt in eight ounces of warm water in the back of your throat. Additionally, this may aid in the relief of a sore throat.

6. Medications 

Some over-the-counter medications can help relieve phlegm but take them sparingly because phlegm production is normal for our systems to fight infection. Taking too much medication can impede this function. Like:

  • Expectorants: Guaifenesin (Mucinex), thin phlegm make it easier to cough up or blow out.
  • Vapo rubs: It is good for coughing and chest congestion.
  • Decongestants: These contain pseudoephedrine (like Sudafed) that can dry out mucus in the chest, nose, and throat.

7. Eat right

Consume lemon, ginger, and garlic-based dishes and drinks. Anecdotal research suggests that these can assist with colds, coughing, and excess mucus. Capsaicin-rich foods, such as cayenne or chilli peppers can help clean sinuses and move mucus around momentarily.

There is some scientific proof that the foods and substances listed below can help prevent or treat viral respiratory diseases:

  • Root of liquorice
  • Ginseng
  • Berries
  • Echinacea
  • Pomegranate
  • Guava tea
  • Zinc supplementation

8. Avoiding irritants

The nose, throat, and lower airways are also irritated by chemicals, odours, and pollution. The body produces more mucus as a result of this.

9. Keeping track of food reactions

Some foods might trigger allergic reactions that are similar to seasonal allergies.

They can make your nose run and your throat itch, leading to mucus buildup. Make a list of any foods that cause you to produce more phlegm or mucus.

10. Quit smoking

Smoking causes the airways to become irritated, causing the lungs to generate more phlegm. Excess phlegm-causing illnesses, such as COPD and lung cancer, are increased by smoking.

11. Limit your alcohol consumption

Keep your alcohol consumption to a bare minimum, or avoid it entirely. Excessive alcohol consumption causes dehydration and makes clearing phlegm more difficult.


Excess or thick phlegm is usually not a cause for alarm. You may see it in the morning because it has gathered and dried overnight.

It should be flowing more by afternoon. If you’re sick, have seasonal allergies, or are dehydrated, you may notice increased phlegm.

But if you experience more severe symptoms, contact an ENT specialist through Marham right away.


1. How to treat mucus in your throat?

Guaifenesin (Mucinex) squirts mucus and helps prevent it from collecting up in the back of your throat or chest. It belongs to an expectorant class of drugs that thins and loosens mucus to make it easier to expel.

2. What causes mucus stuck in the throat?

It is due to postnasal drip. When mucus begins to accumulate or flow down the back of the throat. Infections, allergies, and acid reflux are all causes of postnasal drip. A person with postnasal drip can suffer a sore throat and the need to clear their throat often.

3. Is lemon good for mucus?

Like saltwater and honey, Lemons are good for sore throats because they can help break up mucous and relieve pain. Lemons are also high in vitamin C, which can boost your immune system and give it more strength to fight your infection.

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