6 Signs You Could Be Struggling with Infertility

Photo by Nataliya Vaitkevich from Pexels

As we navigate through life, there are certain things we come to know and learn. For example, the symptoms of the common cold are par for the course, and most people have a basic understanding of the first signs of pregnancy. 

However, what many of us don’t know are the signs our bodies might show if they’re struggling with infertility. 

Fertility clinics and donor egg programs like Donor Egg Bank USA (www.donoreggbankusa.com) can help treat infertility-related conditions, but how do you know you need them without knowing what’s going on inside your body?

While the inability to get pregnant is one of the most obvious signs you could have trouble conceiving, it’s not the only one. If you’re suspicious you could be dealing with fertility issues, be on the lookout for any tell-tale signs, including the six symptoms discussed below.

1. Recurrent Miscarriages

Approximately 10-15% of pregnancies end in miscarriage. However, most are a random occurrence, not caused by any one reason.

Within the group of people who’ve experienced a miscarriage, most go on to have healthy pregnancies. Only 1% of those individuals will suffer through recurrent miscarriages, meaning two or more miscarriages in a row. 

If you’re struggling with repeat miscarriages, this can indicate more in-depth fertility problems which need to be addressed by a doctor.

2. Irregular Periods

Occasionally, some people experience irregularities in their menstrual cycle caused by life changes such as medications or stress. However, when these inconsistencies become a routine part of their everyday lives, it can signify something more concerning.

When your menstrual cycle isn’t regular, your period often isn’t the only reproductive function affected. Typically, your ovulation cycles will also be sporadic.

Without dependable ovulation, getting pregnant is more challenging. 

3. Being Over the Age of 35

Turning 35 isn’t usually a marker for old age. However, when it comes to reproductive organs, the timeline is a little different.

Once you hit 35, your fertility is on a swift decline. If you hope to start a family after this point, it might be wise to make an appointment with your gynecologist or primary care physician to discuss your fertility status.

4. Smoking & Alcohol Use

Science has proven time and again that smoking and alcohol use (especially in excess) are not good for your body. However, what many don’t realize is the negative impact these substances can have on fertility.

From decreased ovarian function to poor sperm quality, drinking and smoking can inhibit your ability to get pregnant easily and cause infertility. 

5. Heavy Bleeding During Periods

Not only can irregular periods be a sign of infertility, but heavy bleeding can also indicate a possible problem. 

Several fertility-related conditions can lead to heavy menstrual flow. These include:

  • Thyroid problems
  • Endometriosis
  • Irregular periods
  • Uterine polyps
  • Uterine fibroids
  • Polycystic Ovarian Syndrome (PCOS)

6. Endometriosis

Approximately 30 to 50% of people diagnosed with endometriosis have a hard time getting pregnant naturally. While this diagnosis doesn’t mean you’ll struggle with infertility, it could be a reliable indicator.

What Should You Do if You Think You’re Dealing with Infertility?

Whether you’re struggling with one or more of these signs (or some other type of reproductive symptom), the first step you should take to address the issue is to make an appointment with your doctor.

They can help you determine whether there’s a problem and if medication or treatment is available to fix the issue. Typically, they’ll run various tests – such as ultrasounds and bloodwork – to evaluate your condition and make a precise diagnosis.

Modern Technology Can Help You Overcome Your Fertility Issues

One of the most advantageous aspects of our modern lives is the vast number of fertility treatments available for people struggling to conceive. From IVF to egg donation, there are multiple ways you can approach your condition and still build the family of your dreams.

You have options, whether you’re dealing with irregular periods, endometriosis, or something else.

Beyond alternatives, such as adoption or surrogacy, there’s still ample opportunity to overcome your infertility struggles and conceive the baby you’ve longed for. 

All it takes is paying a little closer attention to what your body is trying to tell you and reaching out to your doctor for help. 

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