What Kind of Businesses Benefit from a Notary?

Remember the old days when companies could do business with a verbal contract and seal a deal with a handshake? When both parties trusted each other and were happy to do business under these circumstances? This is no longer the case, and contracts must now be written, edited, rewritten, agreed upon, signed and notarized to be taken seriously at all.

Benefits of using a notary in business image 4993992993Employing a Notary

This can be a lengthy process, made even longer with the added obstacle of getting a notary. Some businesses employ a notary so as to shorten the process, others will use a notary locator to find somebody reliable and reasonable. Either way, plenty of businesses benefit from using a notary and here are just a few examples:

Car Dealerships

When you invest in a car, be it brand new or used, you want to protect your investment and make sure that both you and the dealership are in accord. Having a notary there when documentation is being signed is a sure-fire way to make sure that everything is legitimate. Even individuals who are selling their own, old vehicles may benefit from using a notary.

Real Estate Agents

An investment in something as large as property requires the proper documentation and the correct people to oversee the signage, a notary would be that person. Real estate companies spend a lot of time and energy dealing with many businesses who, if they don’t deliver their services on time, could really affect the real estate agent’s ability to sell a property. Having a notary overseeing the contracts can really cement the contracts legitimacy and keep all parties on their game.


Despite their primary role being one of educating children, schools actually deal with a lot of contracts from outside businesses. Both public and private schools have contracts for their staff, educational and recreational, for the acquisition of food and catering supplies, and for the rental or sales of computer equipment. There are plenty of contracts that need a notary to oversee them.

Home Renovation Companies

From builders to plumbers to gardeners, the job of home renovation is not an easy task and getting any of these outside businesses to stick to a timescale can be almost impossible. A lot of small-scale home renovation companies still operate on the verbal contract and handshake side of business, so including a notarized contract as part of the deal is the easiest way to get them to keep their promises and get that boiler fixed on time.

Insurance Companies

From home insurance to life insurance to pet insurance, if you are investing your money in a business that is there to take care of you, you need to be certain that they are going to do just that. Insurance companies deal with a plethora of different contracts, so it is important to bring in a notary as a third party who can make sure that both sides know exactly what the agreement is that they are entering into. 


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