Quick Overview of the CBD Cigarettes Market in the USA

The market in CBD products in the USA is growing at an exponential rate. Go back just a few years and almost nobody would have been able to tell you what cannabidiol was. Today, on the other hand, almost everybody has heard of the extract from the cannabis plant which is purported to bring with it a wide range of therapeutic health and wellness benefits ranging from pain and inflammation relief to anxiety reduction.

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Most people today will probably be familiar with a number of common CBD products, including oils, edibles and vapes. One product that they may not have heard of yet but probably soon will have are CBD cigarettes. But what exactly are CBD cigarettes, and why are they suddenly becoming so popular in the United States?

In this post, we will answer these questions and more – read on to find out more!

CBD Cigarettes: What Are They?  

At first sight, you would be forgiven for confusing CBD cigarettes for traditional tobacco ones. They come in the same type of packets, use filters and are rolled in the same way. However, where they differ is that they contain hemp instead of tobacco.

Hemp is a type of cannabis that does not contain THC, the cannabinoid that is responsible for the high sensation enjoyed by recreational cannabis users. What it lacks in THC, however, it makes up in CBD – most types of hemp contain large concentrations of the cannabinoid, which is released when it is burned.

Are CBD Cigarettes Legal in the USA?

Since the passing of the 2018 US Farm Bill, products containing less than 0.3 percent THC are now legal in the vast majority of US states. This includes oils, edibles, vapes and, of course, CBD cigarettes.

While CBD cigarettes may give off the same aroma as a cannabis joint, you are perfectly entitled by the law in most places to smoke them wherever you may choose. Do not be alarmed if you see someone smoking what appears to be a large cannabis joint the next time you are outside a bar. It is pretty likely that it will be a CBD cigarette these days!

Why Are So Many People Smoking CBD Cigarettes in the United States?

There is a range of reasons why an increasing number of people are choosing to smoke CBD cigarettes in the United States. These include:

Anxiety and Pain Relief

A small number of promising studies are pointing to CBD’s potential use in the treatment of pain, inflammation and anxiety. Many people who already use CBD for these reasons are using CBD cigarettes as another string to their bow as they look to treat certain mental and physical disorders.

One of the attractions to cigarettes is that they deliver a rapid-acting and potent dose that gets CBD into your system as quickly as possible.

Tobacco Substitute

Anyone who has tried to give up smoking tobacco knows how much of an uphill struggle it can be. No matter how many months have passed since you last had one, you are still liable to cravings for a long time after.

Many people miss the routine and the hand-to-mouth motion that comes with smoking, even after they have successfully given up. For these people, the non-addictive yet pleasurable experience of smoking CBD cigarettes can offer an alternative to picking up a tobacco cigarette again.


Lots of people have begun smoking CBD cigarettes for reasons of convenience. When you are out and about, having a coffee or on a break at work, it is really extremely easy to spark up a CBD cigarette and get your hit. Whereas many other forms of taking CBD require you to use a dropper or charge your vape pen battery, all you need to smoke a CBD cigarette is a lighter and off you go!

Where Can You Buy CBD Cigarettes?

Nowadays, you can find CBD cigarettes in smoke shops across the country. You have to meet the minimum age requirements according to your state jurisdiction to buy them. Nonetheless, the easiest way of getting hold of CBD cigarettes which are high-quality and priced reasonably is via the internet.

A simple Google search for CBD or hemp cigarettes will bring up a large number of possibilities like https://cbdcigarettesusa.com and other sites discussing the different options. These online stores can send you their products to your door for a small postage fee in a timely and discrete manner.


CBD cigarettes are growing in popularity in the USA. They offer a great alternative for people who are looking for a convenient tobacco substitute which offers a rapid-acting and potent dose of CBD. To find out more, visit your regular online dispensary today and check whether they currently stock CBD cigarettes.

Interesting related article: “What is Cannabidiol?