Editor’s Choice

02:09 GMT, December 18, 2019

Social status influences attitude toward store brands

While private-label brands offer good value, the market share of such brands has remained low in most countries. So why is it that some consumers prefer […]
21:07 GMT, December 10, 2019

Major UK power plant ‘Drax’ to become carbon negative by 2030

A major British power plant, Drax, has pledged to become carbon negative by 2030. The plant, located in North Yorkshire, used to run exclusively on coal. […]
00:40 GMT, December 10, 2019

Scientists develop new sustainable material for carbon dioxide capture

A team of Swedish scientists have developed a new sustainable material for carbon dioxide capture with a high capture rate and low operating costs. The new […]
03:43 GMT, December 9, 2019

China’s exports dropped 1.1% in November from a year earlier

China’s exports dropped sharply by 1.1% in November from a year earlier, according to customs data, marking the fourth consecutive month that Chinese exports have declined. […]
04:17 GMT, December 6, 2019

Using green products improves consumption experience, study finds

According to a new study, consumers have a better consumption experience when using green products. Researchers from Concordia’s John Molson School of Business carried out five […]
04:20 GMT, December 3, 2019

MIT researchers develop circuit design that relies on magnetic waves, not electricity

Researchers at MIT have designed a new innovative circuit design that instead of requiring electricity, relies on magnetic waves. The novel design is a promising step […]
05:40 GMT, December 1, 2019

Daimler axing 10,000 jobs to free up money for large investments

Daimler, owner of Mercedez-Benz, announced that it will be axing 10,000 jobs to free up money for the development of clean, electric vehicles. “The development towards […]
20:07 GMT, November 26, 2019

Audi axing 9,500 jobs to invest more in electric vehicles and digital working

German carmaker Audi announced that it will axe 9,500 jobs, approximately 10% of its global workforce, between now and 2025. The cuts ultimately aim to save […]