Elijah Norton Offers Tips For Investing In Employees

A picture of a group of happy employees treated well like Elijah Norton suggests.

Veritas Global Protection is an industry leader in vehicle protection plans. The company has partnered with hundreds of auto dealerships to provide consumers with vehicle protection plans. 

The company is headed by its founder, Elijah Norton, also the company’s president and executive chairman. In just one decade, Elijah Norton has transformed Veritas Global Protection from a company employing just two people to a multinational company employing dozens of people. 

The firm has a strong presence in the United States, Canada, Mexico, Brazil, Chile, Argentina, and the European Union. The company’s annual revenue currently stands at over $80 million, which is a testament to Elijah Norton’s business acumen. 

Elijah Norton’s Top Tips for Investing in Employees

The key to success in any business lies in the quality of customer service offered by the company. This means that employees who interact directly with customers significantly impact company success. 

For this reason, business owners are advised to hire the right staff. When interviewing candidates to fill vacancies in a company, Elijah Norton advises entrepreneurs to always look for people who are always willing to perform. 

The ideal team member should also embrace diversity and other community values, which will majorly impact company success. The following are some tips offered by the executive chairman and president of Veritas Global Protection, Elijah Norton.

Tip 1 – Be Professional in Managing Employees

Every team leader needs to be professional in discharging their duties. Employees should only work during the work hours specified in their employment contracts, and they should also receive their salaries and wages in a timely manner.

Team leaders should only assign duties to employees in which they are competent and are specified in their employment contract. 

Some employers are known to assign cleaning duties to clerical staff with no extra pay. This can damage team member relationships. These duties should be outsourced to professional cleaners. By creating a professional and decent work environment, employees will be satisfied with their respective jobs. 

Tip 2 – Empower Employees to Leverage Technology

A picture of a laptop and other technology, staying up to date with technology is a tip for employee success from Elijah Norton

Technology changes fast in every sector of the economy. Every business needs to adopt the latest technologies to stay relevant and remain competitive in the industry. Besides, technology can cut costs, so it can positively impact the bottom line. 

Elijah Norton advises business owners to empower their employees to take advantage of the latest technologies in the industry. 

For instance, business owners should host training workshops for employees to provide the skills and knowledge needed to use the latest technologies. 

Ideally, new technology should not render employees redundant; employers should find a way to run a profitable, efficient, and sustainable business without letting go of employees. 

Tip 3 – Hiring the Right Employees

When you have a team of employees, but some team members are either unqualified, incompetent, or lazy, the other team members will have to take up extra duties to ensure the output of the team is not adversely affected. 

As a result, the hardworking members of the team may become dissatisfied with their work. This will increase team member turnover, which is not desirable for any business. 

By hiring employees who are willing to work hard and hit performance targets, you will be able to create harmony in the workplace and meet your goals. 

Tip 4 – Stay Innovative

The best way to invest in your employees is to ensure your business is booming long-term. Nobody wants to be fired because the business is not doing well. 

Elijah Norton advises business owners always to stay innovative and evolve with the changes in the market. This means they’ll have to develop new products and services, rebrand the business where necessary, and adopt new technology to stay relevant and competitive. 

In any business, if you snooze, you’ll lose your customers and the most valuable employees. Therefore, staying innovative is a way of investing in your employees. 

Tip 5 – Making Customers Happy

Every business owner wants to have a large pool of loyal customers. Customer retention is the key to long-term success and increased profitability. 

The business can only be sustainable if income exceeds expenses. If customers are unhappy, they will look for other businesses that will make them happy. As a result, the business will lose money and not honor payroll. Employees will be the immediate casualties. 

Elijah Norton advises business owners to offer exceptional customer service to protect employees. Veritas Global Protection values customer service as one of its core values. Happy customers always come back, and they usually bring friends, colleagues, and relatives with them, which is great for employees. 

Growth of Veritas Global Protection 

Veritas Global Protection has grown by leaps and bounds in a short span. This is thanks to Elijah Norton’s business acumen. 

When you look at the scale of business the company currently handles in the number of countries it operates in, you know that Elijah Norton is a business executive to watch out for.

Recently, the company rolled out several vehicle protection plans for exotic vehicles and electric vehicles. While many other companies offer similar plans, the extent of coverage offered by Veritas Global Protection differs significantly. 

For instance, the electric vehicle protection plans offered by the company come with battery pack replacement, which most firms do not currently offer.

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