5 Fashion eCommerce Tips That Will Skyrocket Your Business

Fashion eCommerce tips image for article 1By 2040, 95% of all purchases will be made through eCommerce.

While that may seem like a distant future, that also shows massive potential for growth, so there’s likely to be an abundance of opportunities for new apparel stores online to prosper.

And the apparel industry is one of the fastest-growing online markets – more than a third of all apparel sales were made online in 2018, and that number is set to continue increasing for a long time to come.

However, at the same time, there are new challenges in the industry as well  – the ever-growing market share of industry giants such as Amazon and Walmart, as well as the increasing number of apparel e-commerce stores means that those that want to stand out will have to find new ways to reach their customers.

But what types of strategies are likely to deliver the best results in 2020 and beyond?

Well, to ensure that you maximize your chances of success, let’s explore some of the most promising trends and approaches for apparel stores below.

Use Google Shopping Ads

Most eCommerce companies understand the importance of using paid ads, but when it comes to Google Shopping Ads, few understand how to use them effectively.

And that’s unfortunate, as Google Shopping Ads might be the single most effective way to drive targeted, high-quality, and ready-to-buy traffic to your site, which should be the ultimate goal of any business.

With Google Shopping Ads, you can display your products with images and a price on search results, providing more information, and presenting your selection in an eye-catching way.

Another excellent way to use Google Shopping Ads is to introduce new brands or new products to an audience that’s looking for a generic solution.

When someone types in “running shoes,” they aren’t usually ready to buy, but if you can display your product selection and introduce them to some of the brands, you are likely to entice them to click through and check out what you have to offer.

And the best part is, these types of ads can often be a bit cheaper than other shopping ads and can re-engage the same customers more times, increasing the likelihood that once they decide to buy, it will be from your store.

Start Optimizing for Voice Search

Fashion eCommerce tips image for article 33Voice search has become a very popular talking point for a lot of marketers and was even touted the new secret weapon for SEO by Entrepreneur.

And there’s a good reason for the growing popularity of voice search terms in SEO – they provide a unique opportunity to tap into a growing market of buyers who are using voice search terms, which can often differ from traditional terms that are typed in.

More online users are using voice search each year, but most marketers haven’t caught on yet, which means that the competition is low and the opportunity for snagging that traffic is just waiting to be seized.

If you can find ways to use the long-tail voice search keywords, you can realistically expect to rank at the very top, and if you use the Google Schema Markup to display the essential information, you can have Google prominently display your result, having voice search read out your content out loud and make your site dominate that term.

Use Industry-Specific Software Solutions

One of the best things about running an online fashion store in 2020 is that the technical side of things has been simplified to the point that it would be hard to imagine even a decade ago.

Today, you can use a range of solutions that are designed for the needs and challenges of apparel stores – these tools can help streamline and automate various processes, facilitate your company’s growth, and help you provide a better service to your customers.

As an online apparel store, you can use apparel ERP software that can help improve sales processes, manage inventory, handle payments in multiple currencies, and take care of many other aspects that are essential in that industry.

These types of tools make running a business easier, frees up time, and allows you to provide a better service, so implementing the available technology into your day-to-day operations is always a good idea.

Implement AI Solutions

Artificial intelligence is becoming a driving force in countless industries, so it’s not surprising that technology is making its way into the eCommerce world as well.

The potential that it offers is hard to ignore, and businesses that start using it can attest to just how big of a difference AI can make to your bottom line.

But how exactly can you use artificial intelligence in eCommerce?

Well, one of the simplest ways to implement AI in your business is to install a chatbot on your website.

79% of consumers say they prefer a chatbot because it can answer their questions immediately, which is a massive benefit for you as well because maintaining a round-the-clock support team to answer questions costs a lot.

Meanwhile, chatbots can not only answer questions and direct users to useful resources, but they can also help promote your products, inform users of exclusive deals, and help you close prospects that are on the fence.

You can also use the sophisticated AI technology behind retargeting ads to re-engage your prospects multiple times, familiarizing them with your brand, and significantly increasing the chances of converting them.

Personalize Your Email Marketing

Personalizing your emails - image for articleeCommerce businesses enjoy the luxury of being able to learn a lot about their customers, their purchase habits, as well as their preferences.

However, at the same time, the customers in digital marketplaces have higher expectations in terms of what type of content they receive because they have a large selection of competing sellers to choose from.

That’s why you should make sure that all of the communications with your customers are designed to be as engaging and useful as possible.

And that’s where personalized emails can be so useful.

Instead of sending out mass email blasts to your list, promoting the same products or making the same announcements, you should use the data that you have available to personalize the content as much as possible.

For instance, you should make use of the purchase and browsing data that you have to offer useful product recommendations, as well as provide exclusive deals that are the most relevant to your users.

You can also create useful educational content pieces and videos that answer common questions, provide more information about your product selection, and help prospects choose an option that’s best for their needs.


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