5 Must-have Features In An Online Form Creator

If we take a quick look at the businesses, consider going 10 years back, everything was simple yet complex. With advancements in technology and the availability of the internet to everyone businesses have evolved to a whole next level.

Source of GIF: https://www.mightyforms.com/

It was simple in a sense where companies just want to buy, sell, and produce. But now there is a flooding ocean of competition and promotion. Everyone wants to go one step ahead of its competitor. But how can you do that?

You need to understand your audience and their engagement and interests to make your brand stand out and well-known to the world. There’s a huge potential for you to grow your business but you need comprehensive marketing strategies to understand your buyer’s needs and target your specific audience who’s interested in your products.

To reach that comprehension you need an efficient and effective way to collect your potential audience data. One easy approach is to collect and analyze the data to design perfect strategies and promote your business most properly.

Here’s where you need an online form creator. And for this purpose, you can get help from various form building apps/tools.

Just think of what would you need to reach your targeted audience and design a form that fulfills all the requirements. Understanding the wants and needs is the most crucial step towards designing any marketing tactic to grow your business.

Let’s take a brief look at how these form building apps work and how they can help you.

What is a form builder tool/app?

Form builder app is a basic necessity of almost all the businesses because they need to collect and analyze data be it for getting feedback, generating leads, research analysis, or market segmentation. The ultimate need is to gather the required information from the user.

A form building app lets you create those online forms without any difficulty. You can create the forms the way you like it and share it across multiple social media channels to collect the required data and analyze it.

How do they work?

Form builders work by designing and expanding functionality by gathering data directly from your web page. They have a wide range of options and tools to create polls, quiz forms, customer feedback options, and drag and drop editors, themes, multiple colors, and design options, and much more!

Adding those features on your website is a simple clicking process. You can do it yourself and give your clients an enticing view of your websites to maximize their engagement and interest level.

Key features for a great online form creator

With increasing demand, you’ll find a plethora of options when you search for an online form creator. You need to choose the best one according to your goals but some key features must be kept in mind before choosing the online form building tool.

As most of them have almost the same features like drag and drop fields, multiple-choice questions, or templates.

That’s why you need to be very careful before getting your form-building app. These minor differences are key deciding points for the functionality of the app.

A decent form creator must have:


It should be flexible enough to create a range of forms from simpler to complex ones for multi-page surveys in just a few clicks.

Easy to use
Is your online form creator user friendly - image for article 49939
Freepik.com image adapted by Market Business News.

It should be easy and simple to use so everyone can understand and create a form in no time.

Availability of pre-built templates

It should have a good variety of pre-built templates to offer with a relevant questionnaire.

An option to share it

It should give you access to share your form through multiple social media channels to expand the audience reach.


This is a mandatory one. The form building app should let you create form of your own choice according to your goals and needs.

Finally, it should be able to design the form so it can work on any website.

Final Words

Online form creators are the need of the hour. Every business must have it without a second thought. So it needs to be simple, easy, and fast so everyone can use it without any difficulty.

Interesting related article: “What are Apps?