A hacker is somebody who gains unauthorized access to computers to access data by breaking password codes. To hack means to beak a password code, hence the name of the person. Anybody who deliberately gains access to a protected computer system is a hacker. People hack into systems either to gather information, shut down systems, or simply for the thrill of it.
We also use the term for somebody who is a skillful or enthusiastic computer user or writer.
Before computer systems existed, the term referred mainly to somebody who cut things roughly, i.e., with heavy blows.
For example, what does it mean if I say: “To walk through the jungle, you need to be a good hacker.” It means you need to know how to hack through the undergrowth with, for example, a machete.
Modern hackers often utilize sophisticated algorithms and phishing schemes to bypass traditional security measures.
Hacker – old English word
The name ‘hacker,’ meaning a ‘chopper, cutter,’ dates back to thirteenth-century England. It also meant somebody who makes hacking tools.
In 1975, the term acquired the meaning of somebody who acquires unauthorized access to computer records. The meaning ‘somebody who works like a hack at writing and experimenting with software’ emerged in the 1960s.
This article focuses on the term when it refers to somebody who tries to break into computer systems.
People who penetrate computer systems illegally are involved in hacking. Hacking is a white collar crime. In other words, it is a crime by people who work behind a desk or with computers.
Along with e-mail bombs and denial-of-service attacks, hacking is a type of cyber attack. An e-mail bomb involves sending thousands of e-mails to one account holder so that it overwhelms the system. The aim is to crash the e-mail server.

Hacker – computing expert
A hacker is a person who uses computer or networking skills to overcome a technical problem.
Although the word may refer to any person with technical skills, it usually refers to people who break into systems illegally. Specifically, computer networks or systems.
Often, hackers break into systems to commit crimes. They may, for example, damage or bring down systems, or steal people’s identities. Holding systems hostage and demanding a ransom is becoming increasingly more common.
In many cases, hackers use their skills to steal people’s identities.
There is, however, such thing as an ethical hacker. ‘Ethical hacking,’ better known as ‘penetration testing,’ involves purposeful “hacking” into a computer network by a qualified person for purposes of testing a system’s security.
The rise of social engineering as a hacking technique highlights the increasing complexity of cyber threats and the importance of cybersecurity awareness.
“Hacker” from root word “Hack”
The word “Hacker” is a derivative of the root word “hack.” The word “hack” has many derivatives. Here are some, how to use them, and examples:
To Hack (verb)
To cut into pieces in a rough and violent way, sometimes without aiming exactly. In computing, it means to gain unauthorized access to data in a system or computer.
Example: “He learned to hack by practicing on old computers.”
Hacker (noun)
Someone skilled in computer programming or who gains unauthorized access to systems. Example: “The company hired a hacker to test their security systems.”
Hacking (noun)
The act of gaining unauthorized access to computers.
Example: “Hacking into secure networks is a federal offense.”
Hackathon (noun)
An event where programmers collaborate intensively on software projects.
Example: “She won first prize at the hackathon for her innovative app.”
Hacksaw (noun)
A saw used for cutting metal.
Example: “He used a hacksaw to cut through the chain.”
Hackwork (noun)
Work done for hire without concern for quality.
Example: “He regretted taking on the hackwork just for the paycheck.”
Hacktivist (noun)
A hacker who engages in activism.
Example: “The hacktivist group was responsible for the website takedown.”
Lifehack (noun)
A strategy or technique for managing one’s time or activities more efficiently.
Example: “Using binder clips to organize cables is a simple lifehack.”
Hackable (adjective)
Able to be hacked or vulnerable to hacking.
Example: “Experts consider outdated software to be highly hackable.”
Hackneyed (adjective)
Lacking in freshness or originality.
Example: “Critics dismissed the film’s plot as hackneyed.”
Unhackneyed (adjective)
Not stale or overused; fresh.
Example: “Her unhackneyed approach to the subject was refreshing.”