Ways to Make Home Theater Sound Better

Make home theater sound better - 34333The home theatre experience is an adventure like no other. The magnificent video quality, paired with good reception by av receivers and excellent speaker backup, is unmatchable. It surely turns your living room from a mere tv storage unit to a full-fledged theatrical experience with unbeatable features. The whole ride of the home theatre depends on each component that makes it so marvelous. Only if a single feature stops any short of the exceptions, the whole activity flattens to nothing more than ordinary.

That is why you need to apprehend that an ill-functioning sound system is a hindrance, not letting you completely feel the worth of your home theatre system. But issues like this can be taken care of. A few tips will require a little investment, while a few others are just as easy as shifting a piece of furniture. Ranging from installing a Marantz SR5013 7.2 Channel AV Receiver to shifting a few speaker angles, get handy and get to know all you need:-

Get the best receiver

The AV receiver brings the best to your home with an unmatchable HD-home theatre and an enviable surround sound. The feature in itself is enough to make you feel as if you are in the midst of all the auditory brilliance you hear. So even when you’ve set out to get a good home theatre system for the budget, getting a high-performance AV receiver can make all the difference in your home theatre experience.

The circuit boards of the Marantz SR5013 paired with the trademarked HDAM quality allows for complete and sharper sound waves that do not waver and help you enjoy the best of the sound technologies. The 7.2 channel range is worth even more along with the Dolby Atmos technology to accompany the viewing.

The right speaker for the right room

Now that you have an AV receiver in your hands; focus, on the main auditory output, which is your speakers. The right size of the speakers can surely change the dimension of the sounds you are so accustomed to hearing.

Big speakers are more suitable for larger rooms where there is enough space for the sound not to overlap. But this can be a great interference in smaller rooms where sound does not get much space and creates a mess by overlaying. Echoes do not do much good for the experience. Choose according to the dimensions you have.

Seating matters

The sound of your home theatre, if bad, is not always a technical issue or something to do do with your speakers. It might bubble down to something as simple as your seating area. To get the full effect of the surround sound you invested lovingly in, it is important to note that sound will only surround if it has proper space to do so.

Make sure that you are not seated directly adjacent to a wall. At no time should a wall be directly at your back. Not doing this will only create a barrier for the sound, and it will bounce off the wall to your ears and sound shaky at best. Have at least a minimum distance of 4ft to dislodge any such issues.

Invest in quality records

If you are an audiophile and music is your heaven, you sure will know the importance of having quality records. Copied CDs or other records will be subpar at best but never outstanding. To get the full worth of your home theatre and it’s accompanying sound system, you need to invest in records that bring quality to you, and shuns anything grainy.

Get more from what you have

Computers when tuned with iTunes or other streamers, provide sound at 256 kilobytes, which is enough for some people but not for many. Go exploring, and find settings that provide you 360 KBS and enjoy your new-found heaven!

Audio is one of the most integral components of your home theatre system. To best it, you have to do a few things, but the end result is marvelous always. So, get working and enjoy every decibel of sound you come across!


Interesting related article: “Choosing the best subwoofer.”