How Personalized Videos Can Boost Your Sales

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Have you ever wondered what to apply in your marketing strategy to make it more successful and engage the greater number of possible customers who can pay for your product or service? Video marketing content is the best way to reach the right audience at the right time. The modern fast-moving world is getting more and more digitized. Marketers confirm that nowadays users prefer watching video content to reading the same information in text form. 

Needless to say, this approach can boost your sales and grow conversions more effectively because the main content is simply more comprehensible and intelligible to the clients and there is a better chance for them to recall your brand thanks to the animation and visuals whereas text is raw. Video content is considered to be more captivating so it is a must-have for your marketing strategy to reach marketing effectiveness. 

Implementing videos builds internal invisible connections between the customer and your business. Explainer videos demonstrate what your product is and who the client is dealing with, consequently, this awareness leads to sales growth by motivating people to buy your product. Video marketing content shows the face behind the brand which builds trust beyond doubt. 

Useful statistics and benefits of marketing your business through video 

Marketing your business through video is the best return on investment because it makes your brand become more visible on various social networks, forums, and platforms such as TikTok or YouTube. The increased visibility leads to more people knowing your brand by enlarging the dwell time on your website. Video content should be focused on the target audience. 

A personalized approach to video creation is the most efficient way to make special bonds between the clients and the product. It can be customized for a specific individual recipient. This type of video can be utilized in Customer Support and communication between team members or sent as an offer to book a meeting or a miniature demo.

Video marketing statistics show that 56% of clients enjoy watching videos from the brand they prefer. It’s important to know that people spend more than 10 hours watching videos on YouTube. The majority of those who use marketing videos have already increased brand awareness and boosted their sales almost twice as much as it was before. This tendency proves beneficial to your business.

An explainer video is a powerful marketing tool that compels 80% of people to buy the product, download the app or use the suggested services. 

Here you can see cogent and persuasive reasons to implement personalized video content into your marketing strategy:

  • Videos grab all the attention of the audience if you choose an appropriate search engine suitable for this type of marketing content. For instance, YouTube is the right place to promote your business because this platform opens more potential space to interact with the viewers than any other one. The only thing you will need is to create explainer video, tutorial, or product video to show your brand and display its special features. To reach success in record-breaking time, you have to persuade the customers that your product is a real must-have. Video prospecting is a vital component of modern marketing strategies.
  • Online video marketing aims at increasing awareness of the company, raising clients’ engagement, and educating people. Explainer video maker, text-to-speech platform, or other video-editing software easily turn an average user into a qualified lead by building confidence in the brand. Videos can serve as real-time testimonials that acquaint the user with the customer experience. Positive feedback boosts conversion rate and raises sales, especially if it is leveraged on landing pages.
  • Animated videos are considered to be more effective in marketing email campaigns than any other kind of message distribution. It increases the email-open rate and decreases the possibility of getting it into spam. You can even engage new staff members with good-looking onboarding videos to make them much more motivated to work. Thanks to the video generator, you can create personalized videos by means of API access. Just put variables, add the name of the person, and target everyone individually. This approach is extremely efficient for your business success. 

Best ways to boost sales through videos 

In your opinion, what do people share online the most? Video content. 

Videos build customer loyalty and play a key role in the decision-making process. The majority of Facebook users confirm that they often share animated educational videos if they find them helpful enough. When companies create training videos, they kill two birds with one stone: they teach new skills and knowledge and raise your brand awareness simultaneously through social networks. 

Have you ever wondered how to make successful video content? Here are some tips:

  1. Concentrate on entertainment, but no advertisement. If your content is focused on brand and driving sales, people will simply ignore it. So, storytelling is the best choice to explain what the company is, actually, offering. It keeps the audience interested in your service and related to the brand along the way. 
  2. Everyone loves to be special. Taking into account the fact that an average attention span is short, personalized video messages are the best way to catch the viewers’ attention. This memorable experience coerces clients into making purchases. 
  3. To make video creation more affordable, marketers suggest using video explainer software such as Its interface gives access to various tools, so you can make an interactive video with animation and different elements, edit it the way you want using Music and Media and personalize the video according to customers’ needs through API. So, incorporating personalization in video marketing is easier than it sounds. This is a psychologically proven fact that one-on-one communication with an individual approach leads to sales growth. The best example of using personalization is real estate video marketing where this method establishes special bonds and forces the potential client to develop confidence in the brand. 

Video marketing content is the best tool for your business to increase the probability of your prospects turning into customers!

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