Is Cord-Cutting Right for You?

In an age where every penny counts and technology offers more choices than ever, ditching traditional cable services, known as “cord-cutting,” has become a popular trend. But is it the right choice for you? Making an informed decision involves understanding what you are leaving behind and what you are gaining. This includes analyzing whether your current cable package is a shackled expense or if it genuinely adds value to your entertainment regime.

Understanding Cord-Cutting

Cord-cutting essentially means canceling your cable or satellite television service and opting for internet-based streaming services instead. This radical shift from traditional TV might seem financially savvy, but it’s not a one-size-fits-all solution. To ensure you are making a smart move, begin by considering the quality of your internet connection—ideally, you should have a reliable and fast fiber internet provider to handle high-quality video streams without lag.

Evaluating Your Current Viewing Habits

List Your Must-Have Channels

Start by listing your favorite channels and shows. Are these available through streaming services? Platforms like Netflix, Hulu, and Amazon Prime Video offer a wide range of TV shows and movies, while others like ESPN+ and NBC’s Peacock provide sports and live content. Make sure that you can access the content you love before making the switch.

Consider Your Viewing Preferences

Do you watch a lot of live sports? Are you a fan of local news broadcasts? These are critical considerations because some streaming services might not offer live sports or local news as comprehensively as traditional cable.

Financial Implications

Calculate Potential Savings

Compare the monthly cost of your current cable bill with the combined monthly fees of the streaming services you would need to subscribe to in order to receive your essential viewing content. Don’t forget to include the cost of your internet service in this calculation, as streaming higher volumes of data might require a more expensive internet plan.

Beware of Hidden Costs

When subscribing to multiple streaming platforms, costs can add up quickly. Additionally, each platform may have tiers of service that offer more content or higher video quality for a higher price.

Technical Requirements

Streaming Quality and Equipment

Ensure your current setup is capable of streaming high-quality video. This might mean upgrading your Wi-Fi router or purchasing streaming devices like Roku, Chromecast, or Apple TV if your TV isn’t ‘smart’. A robust internet connection is essential, especially if multiple people will be streaming content simultaneously.

Pros and Cons of Cord-Cutting


  • Cost Efficiency: Generally, switching to streaming services can reduce your monthly entertainment expenses.
  • Flexibility: Unlike cable, most streaming services have no long-term contracts and allow you to cancel anytime without penalty.
  • Content Variety: Streaming platforms often offer a more extensive library of on-demand content than cable.


  • Streaming Limitations: Not all streaming services will have every show or movie you want, and live streaming events might come with a delay.
  • Internet Dependence: Your ability to watch TV will be entirely dependent on your internet connection. If your internet goes down, so does your access to entertainment.
  • Multiple Subscriptions Required: To access a broad range of content, you may need to subscribe to several services, which can become expensive and cumbersome to manage.

Making the Decision

Trial Run

Before you cut the cord completely, consider doing a trial run. Subscribe to the streaming services that you’re interested in and see if they adequately replace your cable service. This can be an excellent way to test the waters without fully committing.

Consult Household Members

Discuss this change with everyone in your household. What shows do they watch? What are their viewing habits? Make sure the decision to switch is harmonious and beneficial for all family members involved.

Conclusion: Is It Worth It?

Cord-cutting offers a potentially cheaper and more flexible way to consume entertainment, but it also demands a higher reliance on a good internet setup and the patience to juggle different streaming platforms. By assessing your personal and family viewing habits, financial goals, and the quality of your internet service, you can make an informed decision about whether cord-cutting is right for you. Remember, it’s about creating a viewing experience that fits your lifestyle while also considering cost-effectiveness and convenience.

Interesting Related Article: “Cord Cutting Essentials: 5 Streaming Services to Consider