Long Distance Moving Tips

Moving to a new state can be a challenging task, especially if you have never done this before. You need to make sure that you are well prepared so that you do not end up wasting time, energy, or resources. To help you avoid pitfalls when moving, here are a few tips that will help you move to your desired destination without facing any problems.

Long distance moving tips image 49494Things You Need To Do When Planning To Move To A New Place

1. Plan In Advance

First thing you need is to prepare in advance, and the best way of doing this is to create a checklist of all the things you need for this task which will also make it easy for you to organize everything since you will be sure of having everything you need before the big day comes. Moreover, when creating a moving plan, make sure that you do not skip on anything or any critical details.

2. Follow your Schedule

After creating a plan, the next thing you need to do is stay on schedule, which will help you avoid confusion as you get to complete one task at a time. Moreover, this is also a way of making sure that you do not forget anything. Staying on schedule will also reduce cases of stress since you will be able to do what is required on time. By doing this, you will have enough time to rest and prepare.

3. Look For A Certified Moving Company

Since you are moving far away, you must find a few moving companies that could help you. From there you will need to narrow the list. There are hundreds of companies that offer moving services, but not all of them can deliver quality services. Because of this reason, you should take the time to search for a moving company that has the skills required to make your work easier.

You also need to acknowledge the fact that moving companies charge different rates for their services. That is why you must get quotes from different moving companies for long-distance so that you can identify a dealer with the best offer. Furthermore, make sure that the company you choose to work with is licensed and insured before getting into an agreement.

4. Downsize

The cost of moving can be high or low, depending on your belongings. If you have a lot of things to carry, then the cost of moving might be high. However, by getting rid of the things you do not need you automatically reduce the cost of moving. Therefore, make sure that you only get to pack essential things and get rid of the rest before you start your journey. You can downsize your belonging by either holding a garage sale or by giving them away for charity. Another way of downsizing things from your home is bypassing them on to a relative or friends.

5. Pack Your Belongings In Boxes

Packing is never easy to do. That is why most moving companies offer this particular service as part of their package. However, if the moving company does not play a part in assisting you to pack your belongings, then you need to find a convenient storage facility of all the things you need to carry. When it comes to packing, the best storage unit you can use for long-distance moving is boxes.

That is because they are easy to handle and are available in different sizes. All you have to do is make sure that you get enough boxes so that you can start packing in advance. However, when shopping for boxes, make sure that they are not of the same size since some appliances can only fit in big boxes while others only require small space where they can be stored.

6. Label All Boxes

Either you are the one packing or the moving company will do this for you, you need to make sure that all boxes are labeled so that it can be easy for you to know where everything is stored. Furthermore, knowing what is inside the boxes will cause to handle things with care since some appliances are fragile and can easily break.

You can use a marker pen to label your boxes so that it can be easy for everyone to read the labels. Besides putting a label of what is inside the box, you should also mark which section of the house it belongs. By doing this, you will be able to determine where each box should be kept when offloading things from the car.

7. Find Out When Is The Best Time To Move

Most people do not consider this factor when relocating to a new place. But, what most do not know is that you can expect to pay less when moving during the offseason. Moving companies for longer distance charge higher rates on busy summer seasons. Therefore, make sure that the time you choose to move is during the offseason. That is because you will be charged less by moving companies for long-distance.

8. Update All Your Important Documents

Before you move to a new city or state, you must update all your important documents such as your driver’s license as well as registration so that you do not end up on the wrong side of the law. Moreover, you can do this in advance before you can start packing your valuables. Research on the internet on what is required of you and find out how long it will take to update all your documents.

 9. Apply For Moving Insurance

Even though moving companies do offer insurance policy to their clients, you should get a comprehensive plan if you have a lot of valuable items that you are worried about. The insurance policy offered by moving companies is usually limited, and therefore, it might not cover for all your valuables.


Long-distance moving can be a challenging task, especially if you do not know where to start. However, with the help of these tips, you can be sure that your move without facing any problems.