Low Testosterone in Women: Causes, Effect, and Treatment

Although it is usually considered a male hormone, women too produce small amounts of this androgen. Does it have any importance? Well, as a matter of fact, it does. The hormone is responsible for the production of red blood cells, enhancing libido and reproduction. It plays a critical role in triggering follicle-stimulating hormones. By working together with female sex hormones such as estrogen, they help in the maintenance of bone mass and female reproductive tissues.

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Normal levels of the hormone testosterone in women are between 15 and 70 nanograms per deciliter, which is lower than what men produce. Imbalances in the levels of the hormone can affect a woman’s health. Low production of the hormone can affect a woman in several ways. But the bright side is that this can be corrected through treatments such as testosterone cypionate injections they can be prescribed to you only after consultation with a doctor and lab tests.

Causes of low testosterone in women

Here are the leading causes of low testosterone levels in women.

Ovarian failure

Problems with the ovaries are among the causes of low testosterone in females. Note that the ovaries produce testosterone in women. When the ovaries stop functioning correctly, there might be a significant drop in the amounts of the hormone produced. Some of the causes of ovarian failure include chemotherapy, eating disorders, and radiation.

Oral contraceptives

Long-term use of oral contraceptives can also lead to a drop in androgen levels, especially on testosterone. It is worth noting that they work by reducing the levels of androgens, which consequently reduce the levels of testosterone. This happens when the contraceptives inhibit adrenal androgen and ovarian synthesis.


Menopause affects the ability of the ovaries to produce hormones. Consequently, the production of testosterone is impeded. Menopause and aging can, therefore, lead to a decline in the creation of the androgen.

Several other factors lead to a drop in the number of androgens produced by the ovaries. They include the use of opiates, oophorectomy, and hypopituitarism.

Effects of low testosterone on women

Low production of testosterone may affect a woman’s health in the following ways.

Low libido

One of the effects of low testosterone in females is a decrease in sexual desire. A reduction in testosterone in women causes a reduction in the sensitivity of the vagina and the clitoris, which leads to a decline in sexual desire. More so, it leads to vaginal dryness and thinning, which makes intercourse uncomfortable.

Weight gain

Weight gain is yet another effect of low testosterone levels in women. Note that the hormone determines where the body stores the fat. Also, it is behind the healthy muscle mass. When females have low testosterone, the muscle mass drops, which consequently leads to a decline in metabolism. With this, it is easy for a woman to gain unhealthy weight. Also, a low supply of testosterone can lead to the storage of excess fats in the abdominal areas.

Fertility issues

Low testosterone levels have several effects on the fertility of women. For one, it affects a woman’s menstrual cycle. Also, with low levels of the hormone, there is low production of new red blood cells, which are vital in supporting pregnancy. Testosterone also boosts the production of other female reproductive hormones. The hormone is required for sex drive, the production of other reproduction hormones, and maintaining a regular menstrual cycle.

A low supply of testosterone in women can also lead to muscle weakness, fatigue, and hair loss.

Treatment for low testosterone in women

The good news is that a low supply of the hormone testosterone can be corrected. Here are some of the treatments available for low testosterone in women.

Testosterone cypionate injection

This is a solution that is introduced into your body by injecting it into your muscles. Testosterone cypionate is an androgen. It works by replacing the testosterone that your body is unable to produce. Note that the drug is used for long-term treatment for low production of testosterone. You should take it as prescribed by your doctor.

Alternatively, your doctor can prescribe testosterone supplements.

Resistance training

Studies have shown, that resistance training can help in fat distribution and have a short-term effect on the increased production of testosterone. A good example of resistance training is weight-lifting.

Note that consumption of restricting calories can cause a decline in your T-levels. To prevent this, you should change your pantry and start consuming healthy foods like lean proteins to increase testosterone.


Interesting related article: “Myths about testosterone.”