How To Make A Lasting Impression At Your Upcoming Interview

If you have just received exciting feedback from an employer after applying for your dream job, you may be near overwhelmed at the mere thought of the interview. While interviews are undeniably stressful for most of us, there are certain ways that you can make a lasting impression on your interviewer.

Lasting Impression At Your Upcoming InterviewWhether you are making a carefully planned career change, or you are hoping to get your foot in the door after completing your education, you should consider the following effective methods to ensure you upcoming interview goes as smoothly as possible.


There’s no doubt you already know you should spend some time preparing for potential situations and questions to expect during your upcoming interview, although, there are some less than pleasant standards some companies may enforce, such as drug testing and other standard tests. Therefore, it is best to prepare for any and all situations that you may be confronted with, which means finding methods of passing mouth swab tests or what to expect from the process of a urine test.

Preparing for such tests is not just a good idea for those who are inclined to agree that CBD products are medically beneficial, but also for those who may be a bit taken aback by the process of the tests.

By preparing, you will essentially be able to expect tests, which means you likely won’t be dumbfounded and unable to respond when the question is asked. What’s more, you calm and collected response will definitely impress your interviewer.

Dress For The Job

Overdressing for an interview can be as questionable as underdressing, which is why it would be worth your while to find out what the acceptable office attire is. There is hardly a standard office dress code that all companies have adopted as some may encourage employees to wear business casual, while others may accept full casual.

Therefore, your best bet would be to learn about the company and workplace culture before your interview. Another great tip is to avoid wearing too much perfume or cologne that may be overwhelming for your interviewer.

Maintain Confidence

Chances are, if you have landed the interview, you are definitely qualified for the position. However, interviews hardly test for paper qualifications and often seek to uncover if candidates would be a good fit for the company. By maintaining confidence rather than doubting your capabilities, your interviewer will be impressed by your glowing confidence. It is best to incorporate a friendly demeanour as well.

Don’t Overpower Your Interviewer

Even though many candidates may experience unnerving sweaty palms during an interview and may feel compelled to talk a lot, you should practice a casual yet professional response to guided interview questions.

There should be something of a balance established between talking too much, and talking too little as either situation can be equally offensive to your interviewer. By practising interview questions in a bit of a casual way, you will be more comfortable on the big day and a lot less likely to feel notably shy or significantly talkative.


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