Making Your Computer More Efficient

Computers are a key aspect of modern living and provide many useful functions, from the practical to the fun. Your computer can be used for work, paying bills, and watching movies and television shows via streaming services. No matter how you’re using your computer, you want it to be user-friendly and efficient. Tools such as OneLaunch make using your computer easier by originating common features and making applications more accessible. There are also other ways to make using your computer more efficient in general. While some are technology-related some are just good usage habits.

Ways To Make Using a Computer More Efficient

  • Perform Regular Updates: computer software and operating systems are regularly patched to improve performance and increase user safety. While it is often tempting to ignore updates due to being busy you should always update your computer as soon as possible. While you can take the time needed to finish or save your current activity, updates should not be put off indefinitely.
  • Clean Your Desktop: nearly every computer owner has ended up with a cultured desktop at some point. From saving relevant files, downloads, and current projects your desktop can easily become a collection of random files. One of the best ways to make your computer use more efficiently is to correctly organize your files and information in proper folders. Organization makes things easier to find and means you won’t lose important files or projects.
  • Delete Old Files: another aspect of computer organization is deleting old files. Files you no longer use, old information, and old projects or drafts should be deleted when they are no longer needed. This frees up storage space and reduces the need to read through long file lists.
  • Uninstall Unused Apps: unused applications are an issue on both computers and cell phones. Unused apps can make a computer more cultured and make finding the programs you need more difficult. Uninstalling unused apps can make for a more streamlined and efficient user experience. These apps can come from many sources, including pre-installed apps you never used and old apps you installed for a specific use that is no longer needed. Removing these apps makes navigating program lists and menus easier.
  • Work On Your Typing: not everyone can type 100 words a minute, but improving how you type and how you place your hands on the keyboard can make for a more efficient user experience. Hunting and pecking can reduce efficiency and increase frustration. Improving your typing skill not only means you type faster it also reduces errors and typos saving you time on editing and fixing your work.
  • Learn Keyboard Shortcuts: computer keyboards have shortcuts and mapping which commonly used tasks to programmable shortcut keys on your keyboard are another way to make daily use easier. Anything that can reduce typing or having to pause to open a menu makes for a smoother user experience.

Final Thoughts

Computers are a common part of both work and home life, and they don’t have to be frustrating to use. Most efficient computer users didn’t start that way and learned over time how to best use their computers and eliminate the clutter that was slowing them down. With simple organization and practice, you can make your time at a keyboard far more useful.

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