Top Factors Luring Millennials to Online Gaming

In the past, games were considered to be something meant only for kids. Nowadays, however, the gaming industry is one of the biggest industries in the market. Ever since the internet became so widely accessible, the industry started to grow.

Top Factors Luring Millennials to Online GamingThat’s why there are now so many games on the market you can enjoy. Online and multiplayer games seem to be completely replacing single-player games. Millennials seem to be the ones enjoying this trend the most. As a generation that virtually grew up alongside the internet, this comes as a no surprise. But why do they seem to be so invested in online gaming? What are the factors that are luring Millennials to online gaming?

The nostalgia factors

As you already know, Millennials really seem to be fans of nostalgia. Anything that reminds them of childhood instantly appeals to them. That being said, it is really no surprise that they still enjoy gaming even as adults. If you take into consideration that most of the modern consumers are precisely Millennials, you can understand why the industry is growing.

A chance to escape reality

Since we’re living such fast-paced lifestyles, we all enjoy a chance to escape reality from time to time. To Millennials, games present the perfect opportunity to do so. Since this generation is facing stress on a daily basis, they really needed a way to escape from all of it. Working long and odd hours also made social interaction a bit difficult. But with online games, you can get all the interaction you want. Plus, the additional benefit of doing something you thoroughly enjoy.

Live streams

Millennials and Gen X don’t just find comfort in playing video games. They also enjoy watching other people do it. Not only that but they also don’t mind streaming themselves playing either. No matter the type of games you’re interested in, chances are you’ll easily find someone streaming them online.

The proficiency of the streamer doesn’t have to be pro either. If the person streaming is struggling, the watchers will offer useful feedback. If the person is pro, on the other hand, their videos will offer useful insight to other players. The reason this is so specific for Millennials is the fact that older generations didn’t really have an opportunity to do anything similar.

Plenty of choices

As mentioned earlier, the options that are currently on the market are so vast that anyone can find something that suits their taste. If you just take a look at all the titles that are currently available, you’ll see that a modern consumer is spoilt for choice. From some of the leading titles, such as Fortnite, to quite niched titles, all online players will be thriving. The iGaming industry is not falling behind either.

Online casinos are constantly coming out with fresh new content. Interesting and innovative slot games are filling the market what appears to be on a daily basis. New titles are hitting the web sooner than we can catch up. But this is certainly excellent news for every Millennial out there as they seem to enjoy new and exciting titles.

The use of new tech

Technology has been on a constant rise for quite some time now. New devices, software and hardware solutions are hitting the market daily. That’s why gaming companies are now looking for ways to implement these innovations into their offers. On the same note, consumers are looking for new ways to experience some of their favorite titles.

AR, VR and XR are just the tip of the iceberg. 4K resolution-ready screens are already more easily accessible. Aside from that, cloud-based gaming presents another interesting tech innovation. Thanks to cloud-based gaming, every player nowadays can enjoy some of their favorite titles regardless of their gaming rigs. That’s just another thing that works in the favor of online gaming as it makes gaming, in general, more affordable.

Blockchain technology

Blockchain image 49949949994Blockchain technology also made a huge impact on the gaming industry. As it offers more secure transactions, it became quite popular in the world of iGaming. Greater security is something any online player can benefit from. That’s precisely true when various transactions are concerned. So, it’s safe to say that any gaming company that wants to stay relevant should find a way to include blockchain in their offer. The same, of course, goes for cryptocurrency. They’re already being widely accepted in various industries and online gaming is no exception.

Mobile gaming

Finally, since we’re all living “on the go” so much, it’s no surprise that games found a way to follow us as well. Not so long ago, gamers needed to resort to their PCs and consoles if they wanted to indulge in their favorite games. Nowadays, however, you can take your favorite titles with you. Various mobile gaming platforms and apps made that possible.

What’s even greater is the fact that the 5G mobile network is ready to be released as well. What this means is that you’ll now get a much better experience while gaming on the go. Commuting and going on trips is about to become way more enjoyable for any gamer out there.

In the end, Millennials currently make the biggest portion of modern consumers. That’s why it is no wonder that various industries are doing their best to cater to this specific crowd’s needs. Since gaming seems to be the favorite form of entertainment for Millennials, companies that follow trends really stand to gain a lot.


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