Facebook app to show cached ‘News Feed’ content for users with slow connections
Facebook is rolling out a way for mobile users with slow internet connections to still view content in their News Feed.
The tech giant...
Facebook launching ‘Facebook at Work’, social network for the workplace
Facebook is rolling out a new version of its social network for the workplace called ‘Facebook at Work’.
The service will allow users to create their...
Lie detecting software created on real world court data
A unique lie detecting software is being created using real world court data, i.e. material from past trials where some of the speakers are...
Fitness matters not size in the world of cockroach courting
In the world of cockroach courting, fitness matters much more than size – the males with the most energetic courtship displays get the female...
Scandal of hunger in Britain should be treated as emergency, says report
The ‘scandal of hunger’ in Britain, where children go for days without a meal, should be treated as an emergency, with the equivalent of...
Scientists create tiny temperature sensor chip capable of powering itself
Dutch scientists have created a tiny temperature sensor chip which powers itself using radio waves that are part of its own wireless network.
The sensor...
Text messages ending with a full stop are perceived to be less sincere
According to a recent study, text messages ending with a full stop are perceived to be less sincere than messages that do not.
The study,...
When giving directions word order really matters
When you are giving directions, your word order really matters; it will determine how well your instructions are understood – if you start with...
Yahoo to spin off all assets except its stake in Alibaba
Yahoo will not be spinning off its $32 billion stake in the Chinese e-commerce giant Alibaba.
Instead, it will spin off all of its other...
Google finally launches family plan for ‘Google Play Music’
Google is rolling out a family music streaming plan for Google Play Music.
Until now Apple Music had a key competitive edge over Google with...