Quantitative Easing tapering – who benefits and who suffers?
While some countries will benefit from Quantitative Easing tapering, others will suffer, says a global poll including over 1,000 business decision makers released today...
UK unemployment falls to 7.1%
The UK unemployment rate dropped to 7.1% for the September to November 2013 period, a 0.5 percentage point drop compared to the June to...
Latin America tax revenues increase
In Latin America tax revenues continue to increase, but still represent a much lower percentage of GDP (gross domestic product) compared to most OECD...
Pope Francis asks business leaders to be more open and inclusive
In a message to delegates at the 44th World Economic Forum Annual Meeting in Davos-Klosters, Switzerland, Pope Francis urged business and political leaders to...
Bombardier laying off 1,700 workers in Canada and US
Canadian airplane and train maker, Bombardier, announced today that it is to cut its workforce by 1,700 in the US and Canada, mainly in...
Adapting to the digital world, seven principles
In today’s Hyperconnected digital world, the World Economic forum has launched “Norms and Values in Digital Media: Rethinking Intellectual Property in the Digital Age”...
China injects liquidity into commercial banks
In order to ensure stability within the monetary market before the Lunar New Year, China injects liquidity into its major commercial banks. Commercial banks,...
Global unemployment nearly 202 million in 2013
Global unemployment rose by five million in 2013 to nearly 202 million, according to the International Labor Organization (ILO), part of the United Nations.
Greater cyber security may save world economy trillions of dollars
Cyber security needs to be improved, otherwise the global economy may be facing a growing number of cyberattacks which could costs trillions of dollars,...
Chinese exports linked to pollution levels in USA
When Chinese exports to the US and Europe rise, so do levels of pollution that blow across the Pacific Ocean, researchers from the University...