Picking The Right Cloud Deployment Model For Your Business

When it comes to application deployment, the cloud can be a complex environment. But the good news is you made the first step in embracing the cloud, considering all of its pros and cons. Now, since each cloud service comes with its own unique set of benefits, it may be challenging to evaluate which one is the best choice for your particular needs. 

Early on, there were just two cloud deployment models: public and private. We now have a lot more possibilities.

However, the options might be overwhelming—after all, your company’s evolving needs will act as the final source of inspiration when it comes to opting for a provider and deployment strategy. But what is a cloud computing deployment model, and how would you pick one? 

Many methods for deploying cloud resources give businesses varying degrees of control, flexibility, and administration. The following is an examination of the advantages offered by each form of cloud deployment: 

Infographic created by HotWire Networks, a web hosting company

Public Cloud

A public cloud deployment model is one in which a third-party service provider delivers cloud services such as applications and systems (server, operating system, network connection, backup, and so on) to an organization or a group of organizations over the internet. The service provider is responsible for all of its hardware, applications, and infrastructure. This ownership by an external supplier also implies that the infrastructure is situated and controlled outside the client’s facility.

Amazon EC2 and Microsoft Azure are examples of public clouds.

A public cloud approach provides the most significant advantage since it only charges you for the computing resources you really utilize. Thus, it is often less costly than other deployment solutions.

Other benefits include rapid implementation and very flexible scaling options depending on company requirements. It is easy to expand or scale down capacity by asking for modifications from the cloud service provider that reserves more resources to react to changing demands.

A public cloud solution is appropriate for small and medium-sized enterprises (SMBs) with the dynamic company development and a restricted budget because of its cheap cost, robustness, and flexibility. On the other hand, the major cons are increased data security issues, privacy protection vulnerabilities, and a lack of personalization or uniqueness.

Private Cloud

The architecture of the public and private cloud is comparable; therefore, there are not many differences from a technological standpoint. However, each client has its own environment with a private cloud deployment architecture. There is no hardware sharing with other users. So, it is also known as an “internal model” or a “corporate model.”

You manage the data center in a private cloud model, just as you would in a public cloud model. An abstraction layer is further added on top of your physical servers to increase flexibility. New servers may be added to the data center later and won’t need to be configured since they’ll join the cluster semi-automatically. A private cloud may be obtained through a public cloud service provider.

Some examples of private clouds are CISCO, DELL, IBM Bluemix Private Cloud, Microsoft Azure Stack, and VMware Private Cloud.

High scalability, flexibility depending on client needs, high dependability, security, and privacy are among the benefits of a private cloud.

The cost of having and maintaining a private cloud is high since you must pay for hardware, software, and training.

Hybrid Cloud

Hybrid cloud infrastructure may incorporate private or public clouds and on-premise interconnected installations to provide the advantages of several deployment models. The hybrid cloud approach allows businesses to make greater use of their current resources, give a more personalized level of fault resilience and security, and provide local access without relying only on Internet access. Hybrid cloud deployment is a good option if a company has to keep some business services and sensitive data on-premises but also wants to use the advantages of hosted solutions to relieve the strain on its current IT infrastructure. According to GigaOM, 60% of organizations aim to use a hybrid cloud architecture that combines cloud and on-premise implementations.

In addition to identifying alternative cloud-based models, the new M-File white paper, Shaping Your IT Cloud, discusses the factors and questions businesses must consider when deciding which cloud deployment model is best for their particular IT needs.

Companies such as Microsoft, Amazon, NetApp, Cisco, and Google use a hybrid cloud approach.

A hybrid cloud may provide greater security, privacy, scalability, cost-effectiveness, and mobility simplification for data and applications.


The term “multi-cloud” refers to a deployment strategy in which a company utilizes the resources of multiple cloud service providers. A multi-cloud approach allows you to choose from a number of cloud services from various providers since some are more suited to particular jobs than others. Nowadays, the multi-cloud infrastructure is getting more and more popular.

There are many advantages of multi-cloud adoption. The ability to choose between multiple cloud environments gives you more freedom and lets you avoid being vendor-locked into a single cloud provider. It is possible to select service providers for specific services depending on which provider has the most significant capabilities and the lowest pricing. For example, you might use Google Cloud for development and testing and AWS for disaster recovery. Alternatively, you could use both.

It enables you to dynamically divide your workloads over several computing infrastructures, leading to various competitive benefits such as cost savings, improved disaster management, contingency planning, and better productivity. 

Supporting the multi-cloud infrastructure is more manageable with tools like Terraform, Pulumi, Okta, and Spacelift.

The multi-cloud lets you combine multiple public or private cloud resources into a single interface. It gives you more redundancy, makes it easier to manage different cloud services, and makes it easier to scale up or down. 

Making the Right Choice towards Deploying Cloud Infrastructure

Cloud infrastructure is a group of hardware and software components that work together to make cloud computing attainable. Each piece has its own set of features, such as security, flexibility, speed, and cost.

Before delving into the specifics of cloud infrastructure and how it varies from other conventional computer systems, one must first understand how cloud computing is unique from different types of systems that have been around for a long time. In order to benefit from the cloud, you have to relinquish control of your data and instead rely on the cloud provider to keep it safe and secure.

As a result, deciding on the proper cloud infrastructure for deployment might be difficult. Before making this decision, consider your company requirements, budgetary constraints, and the nature of the applications you’re seeking to deploy. 


Making a suitable choice when it comes to the cloud deployment strategy you choose for your organization is a crucial decision that may significantly impact your applications’ performance. A vast selection of solutions may be used to fulfill the requirements of almost every application scenario. However, the essential thing is to have a solid awareness of the specific needs of your business and to strike a healthy balance between those requirements, your financial resources, and the development goals you have set.

Author’s Bio:

Mariusz Michalowski

Community Manager at Spacelift


Mariusz is a Community Manager at Spacelift, a flexible management platform for Infrastructure as Code. He is passionate about automation, DevOps, and open-source solutions. In his free time he enjoys car detailing, swimming, and nonfiction books.