3 Different Ways to Refresh Your Website Design in 2019

Website design - image 554555When it comes to developing an online presence, one of the first aspects that most businesses tend to consider is the creation of a website.

However, how often do businesses actually go back and spend time reviewing their sites to ensure the content is still fit for purpose? More importantly, are many simply being forgotten?

Still important

Recent research by The Manifest hinted that when it comes to digital marketing, websites could in some way be falling behind other channels. The research found that while 95 per cent of companies would be boosting their digital marketing spending in 2019, just 54 per cent would be specifically increasing investment in their websites. In contrast, 63 per cent were going to invest more in social media.

Considering such findings, it could be suggested that businesses are not devoting a huge amount of attention to their sites these days. So, have we reached a point where they have become less important?

It is not a theory that business services comparison site Clutch subscribes to. In its own digital marketing survey released last year, Clutch said investment in improving sites was a smart move, with them remaining a key part of how consumers learn more about what a business is offering.

With this in mind, we have put together a few suggestions on how you could consider refreshing your website in the coming months.


One issue which Clutch also touched upon in its survey was the importance of good design and how a site should present services and goods clearly.

An example of this can be seen at this Magical Vegas page, which is designed to encourage people to play Starburst Slot, created by NetEnt. The screenshot gives an idea of what players can expect from the game, while the page also features a table of key information regarding elements of the title. Further down there is also additional detail on specifics related to the game.

The design is straightforward, uncluttered and clearly conveys what is needed – can you say the same for pages on your website?


Website design videos - image 323444The aforementioned survey by The Manifest touches upon other channels that businesses are looking at, with 34 per cent of small firms planning to invest in video marketing in 2019.

Huge developments have been made with browsers and internet speeds in recent years and video has become a key – and expected – part of the online world. Presenting products, services or recent campaigns in well-produced videos could be a great fit for a homepage and give visitors a real feel for a business.

Live chat

As you may have noticed through your own website browsing, the days of simply pointing customer service queries to email addresses are over. Many sites now offer live text chat functions so people can speak to someone quickly about key issues.

A number of studies have suggested customers are really open to the issue and while they may not be suitable for every business, consider whether this is something you should be making use of.

Key to the online experience

There are so many different digital marketing tools for businesses to take advantage of these days, but it is fair to say that websites remain a fundamental part of the online experience.

If you’re worried that your site has been neglected, we hope the ideas above will give you food for thought on how you can ensure your domain is properly showcasing your skills and services.