Resume Mistakes You Must Avoid

Have you been applying for jobs for a while now without much success? You will surely be wondering why you are not getting interview calls. Perhaps, it is because your resume is not getting the attention it deserves. This happens all the time, even to the most qualified individuals with several years of relevant work experience.

You need to have a super resume – a resume that draws attention. It has to be attractive, to the point, easy to read, needs to be properly formatted, and most importantly, without any fatal errors.

Always be careful. It will take one simple error for the rejection. Entry-level job seekers need to be extra careful as they don’t have the experience of writing a great resume. Even highly experienced professionals make mistakes too. Remember, no resume is perfect. That’s because, there is always room for improvement, one that can give you that extra edge.

Impress Immediately

It is often said that you just have 6 seconds to impress the recruiter because there will surely be many applications for the most coveted jobs. So, even the slightest mistake on the resume will be a huge risk. The resume is your first opportunity to impress. It is how you introduce yourself to the recruiter. So, the impression you make must be clear and strong. The recruiter must believe that you are the right candidate for the position. This is how you get the interview call.

Always write the resume with utmost care. Think and plan well in advance. It is also a good idea to approach professional resume services so that an expert who has already helped many people get a job can prepare your resume. The expert knows best how to write a winning resume.

Here are some common mistakes to avoid while writing the resume –

  1. Grammatical Errors and Typos

Of course, this is obvious. But you may be surprised to see how many simple mistakes many people make. Your resume must be grammatically perfect, even if your English is not that great. Employers can read between the lines if it is not perfect, which means, they will draw their own conclusions, which are usually not very flattering. They may think that you are too casual in your approach. This will certainly harm your chances.

So, always check it thoroughly again and again. Do a grammar check. If you can, then make someone else take a look. A second pair of eyes may often detect an error better.

  1. Not Mentioning Specifics

While writing the resume, don’t just state what is obvious. You have to go into the details, without making it too big. Instead of just listing your education qualifications and the jobs you have worked on, mention what specific roles you played. Mention how it helped your employer – whether it saved time, saved money, improved a process, won a new client, or helped the business earn more money.

For example, instead of just writing “worked as a manager in a restaurant, you can mention… “hired, trained, as well as supervised 25 workers in a restaurant with an annual sale of $2 million”. Specifics and details will make the key difference. It will grab attention.

  1. Never Send a Generic Resume

You will surely find many resume templates online. It is okay to use one of them, but you will have to customize. Always customize depending on the specific job. Change the structure, language, and what you include.

Most recruiters are sure to toss away generic resumes that are sent for all job applications. They look at resumes all the time. So, they can tell whether it is a generic resume or whether you have given that extra effort. Employers like to feel special. They need to know that you have drafted it particularly for them. They want to clearly see how you qualify for the position and the organization.

  1. The Right Length

Your resume must be of the right length. Many people make it so big that it will go on for several pages. The reader will certainly lose interest. On the other hand, you cannot also squeeze everything into just a single page, if you have a considerable job experience. When you do this, you will certainly have to omit many impressive achievements.

There is no role about how long a resume should be. However, generally speaking, most recruiters don’t expect it to have more than two pages. So try to keep it within two pages, unless you have a very good reason for making it longer. Conversely, if you are a fresher, then you may not have much to say to go beyond the first page. Don’t just stuff words to elongate its length, just because you have to reach the second page.

  1. Poor Summary

Your resume must have a summary at the very top. Make it attractive because otherwise, you will lose reader interest immediately.

Make the summary specific to grab attention. Often, many job seekers will make the mistake of being very vague here… something like… “Skillful professional looking for a growing career path”. This means nothing. It is just a waste of valuable space. Mention something that is going to be of good value to the employer. For example, you can write like this… “A talented marketing manager who has boosted the sales of a Fortune 500 company by 27%”.

  1. Include Action Verbs

Phrases, such as “responsible for” are no good. Use action words instead. They will show your initiate and also improve the overall tone of the resume. You could write like this, for example –

  • Increased organic traffic to the website by 30%
  • Resolved dispute with the supply chain, ensuring smooth supplies
  • Developed a backend system to make the business process smooth
  1. Omitting Important Information

You may feel tempted to remove information about certain jobs. But even small tasks like helping a school that you do in your spare time can teach valuable lessons, such as time management, work ethics etc. many recruiters attach a lot of importance to our soft skills.

So, think deeply about what you want to include and exclude. Research the company first, try to find out what they prefer, their likes/dislikes, and then prepare the resume accordingly.

Always review the resume before sending it. Be extra careful. Make sure that the contact information you have included is correct. This will ensure that you have prepared a good resume.

Interesting Related Article: “How to Craft a Resume That Catches the Eye