Saving Business Costs: DIY Oriental Rug Cleaning

Do you run a business with beautiful Oriental rugs adorning your workspace? You’ve made a wise investment – these rugs are not only gorgeous but also durable and can enhance the aesthetic appeal of any room.

However, over time, they gather dust and dirt, which might dull their luster. Regular cleaning becomes pivotal to maintaining their appeal and longevity.

Here begins the struggle between preserving the quality of your oriental rug and managing business costs.

Understanding Oriental Rugs

To appreciate why do-it-yourself cleaning of Oriental rugs holds significant merit as a cost-saving measure for your business, it’s essential to understand these decorative pieces.

An Oriental rug, so named because of its origins in the East (China, Vietnam, Persia/Iran), is typically more than just a floor covering; it’s artwork that represents history, craftsmanship, and culture. The Persian rug has timeless appeal as many admirers would say.

These handwoven textiles are constructed from natural materials like silk or wool. Understanding what an Oriental rug is made of helps you know how best to clean it without causing any damage.

DIY vs. Professional Services

While professional carpet care services may seem appealing with their promise of thorough cleaning, turn a keen eye towards the recurrent cost they bring along with them.

After the pandemic, there is great importance for office disinfection. Carpets and rugs harbor many different allergens and bacteria. While you may avoid heavy foot traffic on such a lovely rug, you may want to consider a once-a-year professional cleaning to remove pollutants.

Preparation for Rug Cleaning

Begin with thoroughly vacuuming your rug to rid surface dirt and dust particles hiding in between intricate weave patterns in the pile. This step also fluffs up compressed fibers settled from heavy foot traffic or furniture weight resulting in a softer feel underfoot.

Identifying Common Stains

Identifying common stains forms the basis of deciding which technique for cleaning pet accidents on rugs or food spills will work best.

Knowing whether it is water-soluble (e.g., latex paint), fat-based (e.g., butter), or protein-based (e.g., bodily fluids) stain paves the way towards efficient stain removal.

Overall Rug Washing Process

Once stain treatment is complete comes the next crucial stage – flipping the rug upside down first followed by vacuuming both sides helps dislodge stubborn soil articles deeply woven into base fibers.

The next step involves careful washing with specially designed shampoos intended for such fine textiles for comprehensive cleansing keeping in mind not to over soak them as excessively wet natural fibers tend to shrink or stretch.

Effective Stain Removal Techniques

While looking at rug wash specialist it becomes clear that there are several ways to professionally remove stains. Different types of stains demand distinctive treatments; hence recognizing them correctly is vital to evade any further harm to your precious Oriental rugs.

Treat water-soluble stains with a mild dish soap solution coupled with lukewarm water dabbing gently using white cloth strips to ensure the dye doesn’t bleed accidentally.

Drying and Restoration Techniques

Thoroughly rinse off any leftover soap lather avoiding any residue that might attract an accumulation of fresh grime leading to premature re-soiling post-cleanse operations.

Extract excessive water using high-absorbent towels followed by laying out flat in a well-ventilated space shielded against direct sunlight preventing dye discoloration due to UV radiation.

Regular flipping during drying helps evenly distribute remaining moisture aiding quicker drying times.

Importance of Regular Cleaning

Just like any other interior décor element, Oriental rugs require regular maintenance to preserve their beauty. Dirt particles have sharp edges that can cut into fibers whenever you or someone else walks on the carpet.

Over time, these tiny cuts can add up and degrade the rug’s texture, causing it to look worn out and dull. However, preventive maintenance by regularly vacuuming your rugs can help keep them free from dust mites and other pests that impact health.

Preventing Future Damage

Post-cleaning restoration ensures a fluffier pile density enhancing overall visual appeal along with comfortable underfoot feels returning original softness lost over sustained periods of high use.

Regular rotation helps even out wear catering extended life span thereby saving frequent replacement costs for your business premise interior décor budget allocations.

Weekly Vacuuming – Is It Enough?

Although weekly vacuuming is imperative for maintaining cleanliness, it may not be entirely sufficient in preserving the vibrancy and luster of the rugs.

Over time, fine dust and dirt particles manage to settle into the deep fibers of the carpet which regular vacuum cleaners fail to reach. Then there is the risk of carpet beetles in some regions which can cause serious rug damage.

At least once every year, depending on the usage, a thorough deep cleaning should be conducted to rejuvenate your Oriental rugs completely.


Implementing a DIY approach does not just save business costs but also extends the life of your Oriental rugs while maintaining their aesthetic appeal.

This comprehensive guide helps you understand each step of the process in detail, enabling you to clean your rugs safely and effectively while significantly cutting down on professional cleaning costs.

Interesting Related Article: “How to Clean an Oriental Rug