Mars ancient supervolcano equivalent to Red Planet’s Yellowstone discovered, probably
European Space Agency scientists say they have identified what is probably an ancient Mars supervolcano, whose crater measures 40km by 30km and dips as...
Spiders strum on leaves to woo potential mates with love tunes
Male spiders strum love tunes on leaves to woo potential mates. The females ‘hear’ the serenade vibrations with sensors in their legs, called sensillae,...
Sudden ice loss in huge part of Antarctica alarms scientists
A huge part of Antarctica, a 750 kilometre-long stretch of glaciers, has been shedding ice at 60 cubic km or around 55 trillion litres...
Tetraplegic man plays rock paper scissors with robotic arm
A tetraplegic (quadriplegic) man played rock, paper, scissors using a robotic arm - activating it purely by using his imagination, i.e. just by thinking...
Spectacular brightest galaxy in the Universe with 300 trillion suns discovered
Scientists have discovered the brightest galaxy in the Universe, containing over 300 trillion suns. The ELIRG (extremely luminous infrared galaxy) was detected using data...
Weird star called Nasty 1 has behavior never seen before, say astronomers
There is a weird aging star about 3,000 light years away - nicknamed Nasty 1 – whose behaviour has baffled astronomers. The star, which...
Bank of England Brexit project mistakenly sent to the Guardian newspaper
Secret Bank of England plans regarding a possible Brexit – Britain leaving the EU – have come to the public eye after a senior...
UFO panic as giant halo appeared around the Sun above Mexico City
A giant halo appeared around the Sun above Mexico City on Thursday, bringing tens of thousands of people out in the streets and sparking...
Sudden ice loss in stable region of Antarctica observed by European scientists
There has been a sudden increase in a previously stable part of Antarctica - the Southern Antarctic Peninsula - say scientists from the UK,...
Invasive Harlequin ladybird eating up Britain’s domestic ladybird population
The Harlequin ladybird, which originates from Asia, has been eating up Britain’s native ladybird population and gobbling up its food since 2004, when it...