Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Scottish Flower

Scottish flower shows origin of species is a repeatable phenomenon

A new species can start at one place and also another and evolve separately, says a scientist from the University of Stirling in Scotland...
Hydrothermal vent thumbnail

Missing link in evolution of complex life found

A missing link in the evolution of complex life has been found, helping us understand how animals (including humans), plants and fungi evolved from...
Thunder thumbnail

Thunder looks like this – scientists show thunder’s acoustic signature

Scientists have produced the most amazing images of thunder by shooting rockets into thunderstorms on a US military base outside Gainesville in Florida. The...
Super distant galaxy thumbnail

Galaxy 13 billion light years away unveiled by astronomers

Astronomers have unveiled a super distant galaxy, called EGS-zs8-1. It is 13 billion light years from Earth, meaning they have peered into a time when...
Onion muscle

Gold-coated onions make super artificial muscle cells that bend and stretch

Gold plated onions have been used to make artificial muscles that can bend or stretch when an electrical current is discharged, just like normal...
Thumbnail web graphene

Graphene sprayed spider web could catch falling airplane

If you spray a spider with graphene, the strongest material known to science, its web would be strong enough to catch a falling airplane,...
Grey Warbler thumbnail

Feeding birds doesn’t help native species, but does invasive species

Hundreds of millions of people across the world love feeding birds, but few realise they are probaly helping invasive species and doing their native...
Penis worm thumbnail

Penis worm was a fearsome beast with a throat like a cheese grater

Scientists have discovered a new species of Penis Worm, a fearsome penis-shaped beast that existed 500 million years ago. It could turn its mouth...
strange sound

Eerie sounds in stratosphere has people wondering about alien signals

Eerie sounds picked up in the upper atmosphere have NASA scientists baffled, and thousands of people wondering whether it could be evidence of signals...
Super Earth found

Ultra-hot super Earth 40 light years away discovered

A team of researchers has discovered an ultra-hot super Earth with wildly changing temperatures 40 light years from here - which in astronomical terms...