World’s Largest Radio Telescope to be headquartered at Jodrell Bank in England
The world’s largest radio telescope is to be headquartered at the University of Manchester’s Jodrell Bank site in England, members of the Square Kilometre...
England getting super-hot due to human-induced climate change
England is set to have many more record-breaking super-hot summers caused by human-induced climate change, a team of scientists from Australia, the Netherlands, and...
Yangyang the female robot has amazing human-like facial expressions
Yangyang is a female robot that looks incredibly human. People saw the android display some amazingly convincing expressions during a demonstration at the GMIC (Global...
Coastal light pollution alters marine life and attracts creatures that damage dockyards
Coastal light pollution – artificial lighting on the coast – not only changes marine ecosystems, but also attracts several species known to cause problems...
Small feathered dinosaur with bat-like wings discovered in China
The fossil of a small, feathered dinosaur, about the size of a magpie with bat-like wings, has been discovered in the Hebei Province in...
MESSENGER spacecraft will crash into Mercury at 8750 mph today
According to NASA, its MESSENGER spacecraft runs out of propellant today, 30 April, and crashes into Mercury at 8,750 miles per hour or 3.91...
Loggerhead sea turtle survival threatened by goannas in Australia
Loggerhead sea turtles nests are being destroyed by goannas that are eating thousands of eggs and hatchlings at Wreck Rock Beach, between Bundaberg and...
Practical quantum computer a step closer, say IBM scientists
IBM is a step closer towards creating a practical quantum computer, company scientists announced on Wednesday. A quantum computer computes using superpositions of quantum...
Whitening Arctic may halt sea ice melt, but not climate change
Artificially whitening the surface of the Arctic Ocean will reflect more of the Sun’s energy back into space and restore much of the sea...
Lakes under Antarctica desert may support life, so maybe life on Mars
Under the dry valleys in Antarctica there are several interconnected lakes and brine-saturated sediments that could sustain life, and if so, dramatically increase the...