Will plaice and chips become squid and chips because of climate change?
Fish and chips may soon lose the plaice or haddock and be replaced by John Dory, red mullet or squid if the North Sea...
Global warming will change British fish and chips menu
British fish and chips favourites like plaice and haddock will become less common and much more expensive, making way to red mullet and John...
Water found on Mars, but life is unlikely, say scientists
Scientists have discovered evidence of water cycles present in Mars, but say that radiation and temperature levels on its surface make it highly unlikely...
Ceres has ten bright regions, NASA has so far identified
The mystery of the dwarf planet Ceres started off earlier this year when two bright spots were identified next to each other in a...
Spectacular GoPro footage taken by astronauts during spacewalk
Some spectacular GoPro footage taken by astronauts at the International Space Station during their spacewalks in preparation for the arrival of commercial space crafts...
Space coffee espresso machine, the ISSpresso, delighting astronauts
International Space Station astronauts are delighted to receive their space coffee espresso machine this week, called the ISSpresso, which has been especially designed to...
SpaceX Dragon carrying 4,300 pounds of cargo to International Space Station
The SpaceX Dragon rocket is carrying over 4,300 pounds of supply and payloads, including vital materials required for about forty of the more than...
Graphene set to launch spintronic devices to the next level
Graphene, which is 100 times stronger than steel, and conducts heat and electricity with spectacular efficiency, is set to take spintronic devices to the...
Apple Watch one month delivery wait as demand soars
Demand for Apple CEO Tim Cook’s first new major product, the Apple Watch, has been so strong that people pre-ordering the new wearable device on...
Inheritance tax giveaway could be a major vote-winner
The Conservative Party has pledged to raise the effective threshold for inheritance tax for a married couple from £650,000 to £1 million. Many wonder...