Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Warm blob

Warm ‘blob’ in Pacific Ocean causing crazy weather in US, says climate scientist

Why has the US West Coast been unusually warm and dry, while the East Coast has experienced abnormally cold and snowy conditions? It’s partly down to...
Terror Bird

Prehistoric terror bird had very deep voice and low-frequency hearing, fossil skeleton reveals

The 90% complete fossilized skeleton of a ‘terror bird’, a prehistoric, carnivorous, flightless, fearsome creature, suggests it had a very deep voice and low-frequency...

Mountain gorillas inbreeding helping species survive, study shows

The number of mountain gorillas in the wild has increased from just 253 in 1981 to about 480 in the Virunga volcanic mountain range...
Marine life mass extinction

Ocean acidification caused mass extinction of life 252 million years ago, study finds

Ocean acidification wiped out over 90% of marine life 252 million years ago. The volcanic activity at the time also destroyed more than two-thirds...
European farming

Northern Europeans initially rejected farming during the New Stone Age

Northern Europeans initially rejected the practice of farming while the rest of the continent was embracing the transition from foraging during the Neolithic period (New...
Mars surface

Mars has giant frozen water glaciers under its surface of dust

Below the thick layer of dust on Mars there are glaciers of frozen water, enough to cover the whole planet in over one meter...
Dino fight

Tyrannosaurs had fights and ate each other

A new international study found that tyrannosaurs inflicted injuries on each other and were cannibalistic, with skull evidence of a genus of tyrannosaur called...

Electromagnetism breakthrough may lead to computer chip antennas

A breakthrough in the understanding of electromagnetism may lead to antennas so small that they would fit on computer chips, which scientists from the...
Organic molecules in space

Complex organic molecules found in distant star system

Complex organic molecules vital for the eventual creation of living organisms have been detected in a young star’s protoplanetary disk, just like the ones...
Collision early Earth

The Moon formed after Mars-sized body struck and merged with Earth

A huge body about the size of Mars struck and merged with Earth, hurling a massive cloud of rock and debris into space, which...