Speed of light was faster theory could change laws of physics
If the speed of light was faster during the very early universe – just after the Big Bang - many of the laws of...
Space food bars for deep space missions not same as ISS says NASA
Space food bars are aimed at keeping astronauts healthy, sharp and with a good body weight, while at the same time not using up...
Speed of light variable say scientists in Einstein challenge
The speed of light is variable and we can prove it, say two scientists who are challenging Albert Einstein, who believed that the speed of light...
Silicon based life forms in the Universe possible study suggests
We have long wondered whether silicon based life forms may exist somewhere in the Universe - aliens that are not carbon based, but whose...
Heroes of Antarctica clues show century of no sea ice change
The Heroes of Antarctica, such as Captain Robert Scott and Sir Ernest Shackleton, left clues that suggest that for the past century the area...
Coconut crab has spectacularly powerful claws
The coconut crab has spectacularly powerful claws that can crack open coconuts – hence its name – and could crush your bones in a...
Huge ice deposit discovered underground in Mars
There is more underground water in the form of ice in a region of Mars than in the whole of Lake Superior, the largest of...
EMDrive rocket thruster defies laws of physics
Imagine an engine that pushes a rocket at incredible speeds and needs no fuel - we now have one called an EMDrive and it...
Climate change speed too fast for many animals and plants
Climate change speed is occurring too fast for many animals and plants – they cannot adapt quickly enough and are in serious danger of...
Life on Mars excitement after hot springs study in Chile
There may have been Life on Mars, say two geo-scientists who have been studying hot springs in Chile and found silica deposits with structures...