Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Nobel Prize in Physics 2016

Nobel Prize winners getting older and older

Over the past few years, the Nobel Prize in traditional sciences has been awarded to older and older people. Earlier this month, the Royal...
Mars global dust storms

Forecasting Mars dust storms vital for future missions

Forecasting global dust storms on Mars will be vital for future human missions, says NASA, which believes it will soon be able to predict...

Pangolins get extra protection after millions poached

Pangolins, the only mammals to be covered in scales, are to get extra protection after one million of them were poached from the wild over...
Water vapour plumes on Europa

Europa water vapour plumes erupting off surface

Europa, one of Jupiter’s moons, has water vapour plumes erupting from its surface, according to images captured by the Hubble Space Telescope, NASA informed...
FAST - our best alien hunter

FAST the alien hunting telescope switched on in China

The world’s largest radio telescope - FAST - which scientists say is now our best alien hunter, has been switched on, and adds to...
Professor Hawking still fears aliens

Professor Hawking still fears aliens might destroy us

Professor Hawking would love to meet intelligent aliens and ask endless questions about the Universe, but says he still fears that they might end up destroying...
The Universe is expanding uniformly

The Universe has no direction it expands uniformly

The Universe has no direction, it is not spinning or being stretched in any particular direction, and is expanding uniformly, says a team of...
Falcon 9 Explosion

Falcon 9 rocket fireball caused by liquid oxygen tank breach probably

The SpaceX Falcon 9 rocket that exploded in a giant fireball on 1st September probably blew up because of a liquid oxygen tank breach....
Being Beast - IG Nobel Prizes

IG Nobel Prizes for trousers on rats and itch remedies with mirrors

This year’s IG Nobel Prizes have gone to a study on the effects of wearing cotton, wool or polyester trousers on the sex lives...
Alien Contact Stephen Hawking

Alien contact could destroy us warns Stephen Hawking

Alien contact could destroy us all, warns Professor Stephen Hawking. We are sending out ‘greetings from Earth’ messages into deep space in the hope...