Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Chemputer printing aircraft at molecular level

Growing aircraft from molecular level upwards using a Chemputer

Just a few years ago, the notion of growing aircraft from molecular level upwards through chemistry seemed like something from a sci-fi movie, but...
Alien home doorway on Mars

Alien home doorway discovered on Mars say excited extraterrestrial hunters

A six-inch alien home doorway has been discovered on the surface of Mars, say excited extraterrestrial hunters, who insist that their find is finally...
Stargazing before telescopes in ancient tombs

Stargazing before telescopes occurred in tombs 6000 years ago

Stargazing before telescopes – looking up at the sky and studying our Universe – occurred 6000 years ago in prehistoric tombs, say scientists at...
Pea plant roots in separate pots experiment

Pea plants make strategic survival decisions just like we do

Did you know that pea plants are good at making strategic survival decisions? In fact, their dynamic decision-making skills very similar ours, according to...
Prof Hawking lecture Tenerice

Stephen Hawking death threat woman gets four month suspended sentence Canary Islands

A woman accused of making death threats against Stephen Hawking has been given a four month jail sentence after being arrested in a hotel...
UK environmental laws and Brexit

Brexit puts UK environmental laws at risk growing fear

Brexit puts many UK environmental laws - which the country had to comply with as a member state of the European Union – at...

Juno closing in on Jupiter for polar orbit around gas giant

NASA’s Juno spacecraft is closing in on Jupiter, and is on time for its 4th July appointment with the gas giant when it goes...
Climate Change Mass Extinction from fossil fuel burning

Mass extinction likely if we burn all fossil fuels

If we burn all the fossil fuels left on our planet – all the oil, gas and coal – we will probably trigger another...
Mammoth bones found near Mexico City

Mammoth bones discovered near Mexico City during drains installation

Mammoth bones have been discovered near Mexico City, in what archaeologists describe as the country’s find of the decade. The fossilised bones were found...
Brexit British Scientists Shock and Dismay

British scientists shocked and dismayed by Brexit vote

British scientists, engineers, technicians and researchers were shocked and dismayed to learn early on Friday morning that their people had voted for Brexit –...