Tim Peake runs London Marathon today tethered to treadmill in space
Tim Peake runs the Virgin Money London Marathon today while tethered to a treadmill in space aboard the International Space Station 400 kilometres (248...
World leaders sign Paris Agreement to combat climate change
World leaders from 175 nations signed the Paris Agreement on Climate Change at the United Nations Headquarters in New York City on Friday 22nd...
Birds survived mass extinction unlike dinosaurs because they ate seeds
Why did the ancestors of modern birds survive and thrive, unlike dinosaurs following the mass extinction after a large asteroid impact 66 million years...
Ash tree fights back against ash dieback disease first sign of hope
Scientists have found an ash tree that is fighting back against ash dieback disease, which is devastating tree populations across the UK and much...
Giant star inflates massive cosmic soap bubble and Hubble captures image
The Hubble Space Telescope has captured an image of a giant, super-hot star that has inflated a massive cosmic soap bubble – the Bubble...
Ash dieback disease fought back by mature tree in Norfolk England
Scientists have discovered a mature ash tree that has fought off Ash Dieback Disease - also known as Chalara Dieback of Ash – offering...
London Marathon spaceman Tim Peake competes in big event on Sunday
Virgin Money London Marathon spaceman Tim Peake will compete in the big event on Sunday as he takes long-distance running literally out of this...
Lyrid meteor shower appears in skies tonight
The Lyrid meteor shower, which occurs when the Earth crosses the orbital path of Comet Thatcher, will be visible in the night sky tonight,...
Climate change bringing nice weather happier people but also complacency
Climate change has brought milder weather, more pleasant temperatures and an overall year-round environment that makes us happier – so happy, however, that we...
Extent of Great Barrier Reef coral bleaching astonishing and shocking
Scientists said the extent of coral bleaching in the Great Barrier Reef is both astonishing and shocking – ninety-three percent of the world's largest...