Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Laser on a silicon chip the Holy Grail

Laser on a silicon chip Holy Grail of incredibly fast communications

The Holy Grail of incredibly fast communications – a laser on a silicon chip – has been achieved in an incredible breakthrough by a...
Mars soil good for growing vegetables

Mars soil good for growing ten different crop species gardening experiment

Mars soil is good for growing ten different crop species, say surprised scientists from Wageningen UR (University & Research centre) in The Netherlands, after...
Birds have developed syntax in communication

Birds have evolved syntax and communicate like humans do

Birds have evolved syntax and communicate according to various calls using specific rules just like humans, do, say scientists from Sweden, Switzerland and Japan....
Ichthyosaurs killed off 100 million years ago

Ichthyosaurs killed off by dramatic climate change say scientists

Ichthyosaurs, marine animals that looked like a cross between a dolphin and a fish and existed at the time of the dinosaurs, were killed...
Polygons of Pluto being studied

Polygons of Pluto

At yesterday’s New Horizon’s blog, Katie Knight, an undergraduate student at Carson-Newman University in Jefferson City, Tennessee, USA, wrote about the Polygons of Pluto. Ms....
Clouds on Pluto detected

Pluto has clouds so should be promoted back to planet scientists say

Clouds have been detected on Pluto, which scientists argue should be reason enough to promote it back to planet status, which it lost ten...
Darwin Cambridge University Library exhibition

Darwin Newton Hawking display by Cambridge University Library exhibition

A new display by Cambridge University Library, celebrating its 600th birthday, has fascinating Darwin and Newton pages as well as a new picture of...
Albert Einstein equations used to simulate expansion of Universe

Equations by Einstein to simulate expansion of Universe

Scientists have used equations by Einstein to simulate the expansion of the Universe – they developed a new code of numerical simulations that offers...
Wellcome Image Awards 2016

Wellcome Image Awards you can vote for your favourite

You can vote for your favourite of the 19 finalists in the Wellcome Image Awards – the Wellcome Trust’s most eye-catching celebration of life,...
Iceberg thought to have struck the Titanic

Titanic sunk by mega iceberg 100000 years old says Sheffield professor

RMS Titanic, the British passenger liner that sank in 1912, hit a mega iceberg 100000 years old, says Professor Grant Bigg from the University...