Science / Environment / Energy

This Market Business News category includes all of our articles that are related to science or the environment. This includes research projects in science and events that have an impact on the environment (be it beneficial or detrimental). This page is where you will find information on what is happening in the renewable energy industry, news to do with the electric or hybrid vehicle market, and information about electricity consumption, etc.

Skull with lesions evidence of prehistoric warfare

Warfare existed ten thousand years ago study finds

Warfare existed ten thousand years ago, during the late Stone Age among hunter-gatherers, a study has found, after skeletal remains of a group of...
Dragon thief dracoraptor discovered in Wales

Dinosaur Dragon Thief thrived 200 million years ago found in Wales

Dragon Thief (Dracoraptor), the earliest Jurassic dinosaur skeleton ever found, was discovered by fossil-hunting brothers Nick and Rob Hanigan after a beach fall at...
Ninth Planet discovered by scientists at Caltech in California

Ninth planet discovered in outer solar system by Caltech astronomers

A ninth planet, which has been discovered in the outer solar system with a mass ten times that of Earth and about four times...
2015 hottest year since 1880 when records began

2015 hottest year ever globally by far says NASA and NOAA

2015 was the hottest year ever globally over land and ocean surfaces while December broke the record too, says a new report issued by...
largest prime number ever discovered

Largest prime number ever with over 20 million digits discovered

The largest prime number ever, with 22,338,618 digits, has been discovered by a computer at the University of Central Missouri in the United States,...
Jack and the Beastalk Fairy Tale

Fairy tales predate Bible and Roman and Greek mythology study shows

The fairy tales we tell our kids today predate the Bible, Roman and Greek mythology, as well as all modern European languages, say researchers from...
Planets lined up in sky in January and February

Five planets line up in sky first time since 2005

Five planets will line up in the sky for the first time since 2005. Saturn, Jupiter, Mars, Venus and Mercury will appear together and...
Stephen Hawking makes doomsday prediction during speech

Stephen Hawking warns of growing human race self destruction risk

Professor Stephen Hawking warns that there is a growing risk of self-destruction by the human race, caused by perhaps a genetically-engineered virus, climate change,...
Global fish catch drastically underreported by 32 billion kg per year

Global fish catch drastically underreported by 32 billion kg annually

Global fish catch data is drastically unreported, in fact by 32 billion kg every year, which is more than the combined weight of all the people...

Mystery of Roman age decapitated bodies in York unravelled by genome technology

The mystery of more than eighty Roman age decapitated bodies discovered in York is gradually unravelling, thanks to cutting edge genome technology. The mystery...